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Should we trade Peters for a 1st round pick?

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It's not just Peters, although he is probably the poster child for selfish players on the KC roster.  Did anyone watch the Donks game?  They just flat quit trying from all appearances.  Same was reported about the Giants.  We live in an increasingly selfish and egotistical age and it's reflected in our sports teams It would be much better to have 11 player on defense that really want to play as opposed to having a few prima donnas with superior skills.  Losing Berry's fire may cost the Chiefs a playoff win or so, but the problem exists on other teams as well.


I agree jetlord. It's why I'm not as much a diehard football fan as I used to be. If by some chance the Chiefs finally put it together and win it all, I'll be happy, but I'm not letting them ruin my week, based on how they played. I don't care about the draft, trades, or any of that stuff anymore. It's been much easier for me to be just a casual fan and clueless about everything else football related. 


I'm 48 years old, soon to be 49, and life is too short to worry about this stuff anymore. 


On the subject of trading Peters. If the Chiefs can convince a team to give up a high pick, and the trade benefits the team, then I'm all for it. 

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He's not just the best CB on the team though. He's one of the best in the entire league. Which is why any suggestions of trading him are simply stupid imo.

Don’t make it political, Peters has given plenty of reasons for people to question him. He was caught screaming at what appeared to be Sutton during a game on the sidelines. He doesn’t want to tackle. I used to think he was one of the best corners in the league, but if you won’t give your all and hit you don’t deserve that distinction. If you want to defend that that’s fine, but don’t make it out like he’s a misunderstood guy that’s being attacked for kneeling during the anthem.

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Don’t make it political, Peters has given plenty of reasons for people to question him. He was caught screaming at what appeared to be Sutton during a game on the sidelines. He doesn’t want to tackle. I used to think he was one of the best corners in the league, but if you won’t give your all and hit you don’t deserve that distinction. If you want to defend that that’s fine, but don’t make it out like he’s a misunderstood guy that’s being attacked for kneeling during the anthem.


Peters is our best DB, yet he spends 95% of the game covering the opponents worse WR. If we were to trade him, we might end up with 3 mediocre DB's. it's one thing if he doesn't want to be here, it's another if he does not have the desire to get physical and do a better job at tackling.


By the way, if we did trade him, I don't see us getting higher than a third rnd pick for him...

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Peters is our best DB, yet he spends 95% of the game covering the opponents worse WR. If we were to trade him, we might end up with 3 mediocre DB's. it's one thing if he doesn't want to be here, it's another if he does not have the desire to get physical and do a better job at tackling.


By the way, if we did trade him, I don't see us getting higher than a third rnd pick for him...

The defense needs retooling. We need linebackers, corners and at least one safety. Essentially our back 7 sucks outside of a relative few guys. Even more than talent our defense needs an attitude adjustment, it needs some guys that can get nasty and make receivers think twice about going over the middle. Our defense is soft, and having your all pro corner avoid contact only reinforces that. Look at some of the great defenses over the years, do you think the ravens or steel curtain would have had a corner on the field that didn’t tackle? Look at Chris Harris in Denver. That’s the mentality we need.

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The defense needs retooling. We need linebackers, corners and at least one safety. Essentially our back 7 sucks outside of a relative few guys. Even more than talent our defense needs an attitude adjustment, it needs some guys that can get nasty and make receivers think twice about going over the middle. Our defense is soft, and having your all pro corner avoid contact only reinforces that. Look at some of the great defenses over the years, do you think the ravens or steel curtain would have had a corner on the field that didn’t tackle? Look at Chris Harris in Denver. That’s the mentality we need.


I agree.

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Don’t make it political, Peters has given plenty of reasons for people to question him. He was caught screaming at what appeared to be Sutton during a game on the sidelines. He doesn’t want to tackle. I used to think he was one of the best corners in the league, but if you won’t give your all and hit you don’t deserve that distinction. If you want to defend that that’s fine, but don’t make it out like he’s a misunderstood guy that’s being attacked for kneeling during the anthem.


Well firstly he's not been "kneeling", he's been sitting down on the sidelines. Secondly when ones considers what has happened to our defense SINCE he screamed at Sutton, perhaps he was justified? Because let's be honest, Sutton hasn't done too well at all. And lastly no-one is saying that Peters is perfect, but it just seems like a lot of bitter people are more than ready to jump on the kid if he makes a mistake or doesn't make one hundred tackles per game. Then the same old crap gets spewed.."he doesn't want to be here, he wants to be in Oakland"...SAYS WHO? It's just pure nonsense. If the day comes when he'd like to leave then fair enough, we trade him, but it just seems like some folks are hellbent on trying to push the young man out...and I don't agree with it at all. 

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The defense needs retooling. We need linebackers, corners and at least one safety. Essentially our back 7 sucks outside of a relative few guys. Even more than talent our defense needs an attitude adjustment, it needs some guys that can get nasty and make receivers think twice about going over the middle. Our defense is soft, and having your all pro corner avoid contact only reinforces that. Look at some of the great defenses over the years, do you think the ravens or steel curtain would have had a corner on the field that didn’t tackle? Look at Chris Harris in Denver. That’s the mentality we need.

Chris Harris > Marcus Peters

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Well firstly he's not been "kneeling", he's been sitting down on the sidelines. Secondly when ones considers what has happened to our defense SINCE he screamed at Sutton, perhaps he was justified? Because let's be honest, Sutton hasn't done too well at all. And lastly no-one is saying that Peters is perfect, but it just seems like a lot of bitter people are more than ready to jump on the kid if he makes a mistake or doesn't make one hundred tackles per game. Then the same old crap gets spewed.."he doesn't want to be here, he wants to be in Oakland"...SAYS WHO? It's just pure nonsense. If the day comes when he'd like to leave then fair enough, we trade him, but it just seems like some folks are hellbent on trying to push the young man out...and I don't agree with it at all. 

I'll tolerate aggressive mistakes but not avoiding tackles. Running out of the way of a tackle is not a mistake. 

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Didn't notice it last year but this season he's been pathetic.


Probably because Berry or DJ was there to make the tackles...Who knows..

I'm not one to jump on the "I hate Peters" bandwagon because he is the best DB we have, and DB's are normally not know for their tackling skills. However, I do get upset when he just intentionally whiffs. I mean he is a "Defensive" player, so he has to tackle every know and then.


But until we get another "young gun" in here at the CB position, should we trade/let him walk??

That doesn't seem like a smart move, being that the secondary already sucks..

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Let's look at protocol for a successful franchise...new England. Belichek has zero fear in sending great talent to a team who needs it so bad they give their right arm for them. Think of all of the increased draft picks or position players who just need tweaked up in a solid system..Belichek will take em. The Pats system IS their most valuable asset..in most cases outside of Brady..it is their tried and true method year in and year out, not flashy players...but dedicated players who stay within the system and are made into believers when it works. Peter's is a good player...he needs more aggression but he has talent. If he leaves and we build up through picks or players..its not a loss...its an opportunity for improvement. DB's are honing their skills to play in this league as we speak..if they play well and have the fire like Travis Kelce..id say we've improved.

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Peters has been a very good tackler in the past. Aggressive making open field tackles. I️ don’t know what has happened. It seems to have started with sitting and getting into it with a fan. Or at least around that time.


don’t think we can trade him. He is our only above average CB. We need to add cover guys rather than get rid of them. Wish he would man up though. He is kills his reputation and screwing his team mates.

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The defense needs retooling. We need linebackers, corners and at least one safety. Essentially our back 7 sucks outside of a relative few guys. Even more than talent our defense needs an attitude adjustment, it needs some guys that can get nasty and make receivers think twice about going over the middle. Our defense is soft, and having your all pro corner avoid contact only reinforces that. Look at some of the great defenses over the years, do you think the ravens or steel curtain would have had a corner on the field that didn’t tackle? Look at Chris Harris in Denver. That’s the mentality we need.

This .   Makes me think differently on Dorsey's drafts.

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Let's look at protocol for a successful franchise...new England. Belichek has zero fear in sending great talent to a team who needs it so bad they give their right arm for them. Think of all of the increased draft picks or position players who just need tweaked up in a solid system..Belichek will take em. The Pats system IS their most valuable asset..in most cases outside of Brady..it is their tried and true method year in and year out, not flashy players...but dedicated players who stay within the system and are made into believers when it works. Peter's is a good player...he needs more aggression but he has talent. If he leaves and we build up through picks or players..its not a loss...its an opportunity for improvement. DB's are honing their skills to play in this league as we speak..if they play well and have the fire like Travis Kelce..id say we've improved.

Without Brady they're basically average.

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