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Roger Goodell Jerry Jones


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Apparently Goodell told Jones before the year that Elliott wouldn't be suspended, then during a conference call a few weeks back Goodell informed Jerry that Elliott was going to be suspended for 6 games.  Jerry paused then proceeded to tell him that he was going to take Goodell down for basically abuse of authority, and that Robert Kraft was a p&ssy compared to what Jones would do.  I don't blame Jones for being pissed, Goodell being the judge, jury, and executioner is ridiculous, and it's pretty clear Jones was already pissed about the national anthem situation anyway.

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Goodell is the most hated commissioner in American sports and yet he's such a cash cow to the owners that it's hard to believe he won't be re-signed. Revenues have more than doubled since 2007. Problem is while he squeezes out every last penny, he also has alienated players, fans and now even a few owners. It's a real double edged sword for these owners that don't want to bite the hand that feeds them, but also face the reality of a declining game under his watch as well.

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They need to scrap the personal conduct policy and let the legal system handle it. Any commish in favor of that is fine. Goddell is too in love with the power

The problem is, you really can't. No employer really can. If I'm caught beating the crap out of my wife on an elevator camera and my employer suffers from it, they can't just let the legal system handle it. They are going to handle it in addition and rightfully so. I don't think anyone of us works for an employer that would ignore if we had legal problems or serious personal problems affecting their reputation.


These guys make millions, in part to represent the NFL. What is a 500 dollar fine by Baltimore County going to do to someone that makes 8 million dollars a year?


The problem is they are inconsistent. Not just in Elliot's case, but the Chiefs tampering case also. And there's not much due process. It's like the Bud Light commercial. You hit a woman. 2 games dilly dilly. You hit a woman. 6 games dilly dilly. You tampered, no problem. You tampered, lose draft picks.

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The problem is, you really can't. No employer really can. If I'm caught beating the crap out of my wife on an elevator camera and my employer suffers from it, they can't just let the legal system handle it. They are going to handle it in addition and rightfully so. I don't think anyone of us works for an employer that would ignore if we had legal problems or serious personal problems affecting their reputation.


These guys make millions, in part to represent the NFL. What is a 500 dollar fine by Baltimore County going to do to someone that makes 8 million dollars a year?


The problem is they are inconsistent. Not just in Elliot's case, but the Chiefs tampering case also. And there's not much due process. It's like the Bud Light commercial. You hit a woman. 2 games dilly dilly. You hit a woman. 6 games dilly dilly. You tampered, no problem. You tampered, lose draft picks.

Spot on.

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Disagree reece. This is the fallacy a lot of people fall into, comparing the nfl to your job or any regular job. It's more akin to being an actor or rock star. In this analogy the nfl would be the studio or record company.


If they want to do something they should collectively bargain it so the union stops bitching and set up an appeals system. But really it was a fix for a problem that didn't exist. The fans were not clamoring for this.


They've set themself up with a mickey mouse court system akin to the sham title 9 trials the feds forced on colleges. It's dumb because there is no punishment that would appease fans.

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They need to scrap the personal conduct policy and let the legal system handle it. Any commish in favor of that is fine. Goddell is too in love with the power




There shouldn't be a fine or suspension related to player misconduct off-the-field until there is a ruling in the court of law.


Then, there should be predetermined fines and suspensions based on court outcomes.  You get a misdemeanor assault charge, you get a 6 game suspension without pay, or whatever. 


This bullshit of Goddell and his cronies dictating punishment for acts that may or may not have been committed is bullshit, and doing so without any consistency. 


Then there is the on-field bullshit. How hard is it to come up with set fines and suspensions for on-field acts?

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Disagree reece. This is the fallacy a lot of people fall into, comparing the nfl to your job or any regular job. It's more akin to being an actor or rock star. In this analogy the nfl would be the studio or record company.

If they want to do something they should collectively bargain it so the union stops bitching and set up an appeals system. But really it was a fix for a problem that didn't exist. The fans were not clamoring for this.

They've set themself up with a mickey mouse court system akin to the sham title 9 trials the feds forced on colleges. It's dumb because there is no punishment that would appease fans.

House of Cards was one of the most successful shows of all time. They canceled it almost the day it was revealed that Kevin Spacey tried to play hide the salami 30 years ago. They didn't wait for a trial or an arrest. Same with Louis C K. HBO and FX both dumped him immediately. Let me know the next time you see Bill Cosby on tv. Or OJ.


When you start seeing rock stars sign contracts with millions of guaranteed dollars over multiple years then they will be more like the NFL.


Do you think people boycotted Motown records because of Michael Jackson? I doubt anyone did or even made a connection. Do you think anyone boycotted the NFL over Michael Vick? Absolutely. NFL players are employees of the NFL. And as such the NFL has a right to monitor their off field behavior. Tom Cruise works for any studio that wants him and he agrees to work for. They have no employer/employee relationship and no one associates Tom with universal. Everyone associates zeke with the NFL.

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Rock stars and actors have been signing multi picture/record deals since those industries started. And most nfl contracts are hardly guaranteed amd already contain clauses to protect the team from player misconduct


This whole thing with sexual harrassment is a very recent thing and you know it. There's people who have been accused for years and no one did a thing in hollywood. It's only very recently that there's been a price to pay and only due to the the massive amount of accusations making it a toxic environment.


I didn't see anyone protesting leonard little or ray ray. And they literally murdered people. People only give a shit about ray rice because there was video. How many abusers are playing in the nfl right now and nfl fans don't care. Spoiler alert... It's a lot. More people protested vick than anything and he still came back and played.


You're vastly overplaying the amount of fucks the average nfl fan gives about what their own team's players do outside of football. Which is why they scream holy hell when their team gets goodelled.


You can say they just want the rulings to be fair but that's bullshit. No punishment will be considered fair.


This is only an issue because the nfl made it an issue. Nobody hated pete rozelle like this. Why? Because he wasn't playing judge, jury, appeals court and executioner.

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Losing Zeke probably knocks Dallas out of the Super Bowl picture.  The ramifications are THAT big.  Essentially, with the established protocol, Goodell can literally cause a team to win or lose games, it's bullshit.  At the very least it should be a group of outside arbitrators that determine matters like this. 

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Rock stars and actors have been signing multi picture/record deals since those industries started. And most nfl contracts are hardly guaranteed amd already contain clauses to protect the team from player misconduct


This whole thing with sexual harrassment is a very recent thing and you know it. There's people who have been accused for years and no one did a thing in hollywood. It's only very recently that there's been a price to pay and only due to the the massive amount of accusations making it a toxic environment.


I didn't see anyone protesting leonard little or ray ray. And they literally murdered people. People only give a shit about ray rice because there was video. How many abusers are playing in the nfl right now and nfl fans don't care. Spoiler alert... It's a lot. More people protested vick than anything and he still came back and played.


You're vastly overplaying the amount of fucks the average nfl fan gives about what their own team's players do outside of football. Which is why they scream holy hell when their team gets goodelled.


You can say they just want the rulings to be fair but that's bullshit. No punishment will be considered fair.


This is only an issue because the nfl made it an issue. Nobody hated pete rozelle like this. Why? Because he wasn't playing judge, jury, appeals court and executioner.

I'm not "vastly overplaying" anything. I'm just pointing out that NFL players are almost exactly like employees. And actors and musicians are almost exactly like self employed people. Yes there are planned trilogies and exceptions but if you ask an average actor what his annual salary is and for how many years you're gonna get a blank stare. A part comes up they audition. And I guarantee Kevin Spaceys career has been hurt worse than Elliot's. And Charlie sheen. And Louis c k. And Linsey Lohan. Nobody can just do what they want and not have it hurt them in the workplace.


The NFL is a multi billion dollar industry. They count on fans and sponsors. As such, they want a good image. They give tremendous opportunity to these kids and both sides agree to conduct clauses as part of the agreement. I don't have a problem with it. It is what they signed up for. But there should be some due process and there should be some consistency.

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I didnt say they should just be able to do what they want. I said they should collectively bargain a solution and that the nfl brought this badwill on themselves by letting a power hungry commissioner play judge jury executioner and appeals court.


And I'm sorry but exactly in what other industry are all the employees millionaires who have a ton of collectively bargained rights?


Pipe layers union?


But I'm sure lots of people are willing to shell out thousands of dollars to watch my wife be an accountant. It's exactly the same!


We may just have to agree to disagree on this. Or we may be saying the same thing. I can't tell anymore.

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They did collectively bargain a solution. This is the solution they collectively bargained.


If the NFL approached you or anyone on this board and said you get to play tailback for the cowboys. You'll make ten million a year but you can't get in off field trouble because our image is important to us then we would all jump at that opportunity. You're acting like these are poor schmucks that just can't catch a break. They don't have to play in the NFL. And I'm going to hold them accountable for their own behavior same as I do mass shooters. It's not the air forces fault. It's not roger goodells fault. They are the ones shitting the bed. Not roger goodell. Stop hitting women. Stop driving drunk. Do that and you'll be fine. And the vast vast majority do.


Now I don't like roger goodell for other reasons. But not because he expects NFL employees to stay out of the news.

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I didnt say they should just be able to do what they want. I said they should collectively bargain a solution and that the nfl brought this badwill on themselves by letting a power hungry commissioner play judge jury executioner and appeals court.


And I'm sorry but exactly in what other industry are all the employees millionaires who have a ton of collectively bargained rights?


Pipe layers union?


But I'm sure lots of people are willing to shell out thousands of dollars to watch my wife be an accountant. It's exactly the same!


We may just have to agree to disagree on this. Or we may be saying the same thing. I can't tell anymore.

Part of the problem is that the players signed off on the Personal Condiict Policy in their last CBA. ive got no problem at all with the league handling things before the court system because of that. And much like the difference between a criminal and civil case the burden of proof is much different and it should be. But the problem exactly as you said with all of it is the overwhelming power Goodell has and the ambiguous nature of the penalties.


The league has taken steps to standardize penalties for domestic and substance abuse. They also did appoint a very qualified committee to investigate and make recommendations in the Elliott case. But again Goodell has the power to just ignore whatever they recommend and that's obviously a problem. I just think they need a committee picked by both the players union and league owners to make these decisions.


Again Goodell has been the owners cash cow more than doubling revenues in less than a decade, And that's how he gets away with this. But clearly when you begin to impact the integrity of the game and it starts to hurt the bottom line, changes are more likely to come and some of his powers stripped.

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They did collectively bargain a solution. This is the solution they collectively bargained.


If the NFL approached you or anyone on this board and said you get to play tailback for the cowboys. You'll make ten million a year but you can't get in off field trouble because our image is important to us then we would all jump at that opportunity. You're acting like these are poor schmucks that just can't catch a break. They don't have to play in the NFL. And I'm going to hold them accountable for their own behavior same as I do mass shooters. It's not the air forces fault. It's not roger goodells fault. They are the ones shitting the bed. Not roger goodell. Stop hitting women. Stop driving drunk. Do that and you'll be fine. And the vast vast majority do.


Now I don't like roger goodell for other reasons. But not because he expects NFL employees to stay out of the news.

Players signed the CBA and playing in the NFL is not a right but a privilege. Businesses should be able to implement about any conduct rules they want because nobody is forced to work there. . Heck you have companies out there telling their employees they can't drink or smoke or gamble even away from the office. In essence creating their own laws. The issue is when you leave all the power in one mans hands there is almost certainly going to be corrupt decisions being made to enforce these rules. That's what needs to change.

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Players signed the CBA and playing in the NFL is not a right but a privilege. Businesses should be able to implement about any conduct rules they want because nobody is forced to work there. . Heck you have companies out there telling their employees they can't drink or smoke or gamble even away from the office. In essence creating their own laws. The issue is when you leave all the power in one mans hands there is almost certainly going to be corrupt decisions being made to enforce these rules. That's what needs to change.


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