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Alex Smith was to blame. He can't throw in cold weather

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Terrible.   He should have played with his magic  knit hat.  Can't throw anything in cold weather.  Off target all day.  Yeah no run game but this OLINE is garbage.


Andy should have played Mahomes some.    Not one mention of Mahomes by the idiot TV crew or 101 fox's Mitch Holthas.   What amazing Smith fans.


This one is on the Offense.

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The wind was REALLY bad in NYC area today.   Neither QB could throw.    The O line is disappointing.   Teams have scouted what we did early and have completely stoned it.  Don't understand why they won't at least play Ehringer.  


Redskins are literally taking guys off the street that can block better than our O-line.

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Something tells me Ehinger isn’t healthy. If you pull Witz, why replace him with anyone other than Ehinger?


Alex was off today, but you can’t say he didn’t give up his body to move the ball. I wouldn’t replace him at this point. He is having a Pro Bowl season. And giving all he has. I can’t say that for everyone. He is what he is. A good QB when he has time and panics a little too much. Doesn’t chuck it and trust his WRs to make a play. Not sure they would though. He took some chances today and threw 2 picks. We just have to get better across the board.

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Most disappointing play of the game was when Smith threw  behind Hill when Hill had gotten separation deep.  Wind or no wind, a deep throw further right would have given a chance for Hill to race under it.  This was the worst offense in the Smith era.............except for the first half of the PIT game.  It's more on Reid than Smith.  Stupid cutesy plays when the Chiefs should have just overpowered the Giants.  Kelce shouldn't be throwing passes.  They don't need the shovel pass three times/game.  Why aren't they even trying to get Hunt into space.  The O-line isn't going to get Hunt room straight ahead.  Only positive was Ragland playing better.  Gaines gotta go.  DAT gotta go.  Where's Mitchell and Ramik Wilson?  Reid owns this one.

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Most disappointing play of the game was when Smith threw  behind Hill when Hill had gotten separation deep.  Wind or no wind, a deep throw further right would have given a chance for Hill to race under it.  This was the worst offense in the Smith era.............except for the first half of the PIT game.  It's more on Reid than Smith.  Stupid cutesy plays when the Chiefs should have just overpowered the Giants.  Kelce shouldn't be throwing passes.  They don't need the shovel pass three times/game.  Why aren't they even trying to get Hunt into space.  The O-line isn't going to get Hunt room straight ahead.  Only positive was Ragland playing better.  Gaines gotta go.  DAT gotta go.  Where's Mitchell and Ramik Wilson?  Reid owns this one.



you forgot the damn bubble screens

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Something tells me Ehinger isn’t healthy. If you pull Witz, why replace him with anyone other than Ehinger?


Alex was off today, but you can’t say he didn’t give up his body to move the ball. I wouldn’t replace him at this point. He is having a Pro Bowl season. And giving all he has. I can’t say that for everyone. He is what he is. A good QB when he has time and panics a little too much. Doesn’t chuck it and trust his WRs to make a play. Not sure they would though. He took some chances today and threw 2 picks. We just have to get better across the board.

Diehard....the Ehringer thing is a complete mystery. The best thing you can say about Witzmann is he is "serviceable". But is that enough. I don't think it is. 


As for Alex Smith and his Pro Bowl year....how long can he ride the Pro Bowl moniker based off his first 5 games? His arrow is pointing south. And if it's true, as many of us suspect, that as the weather gets colder he will continue to struggle...well what do you have after 16 games? A very mediocre season if he continues to play like he has the past couple of games.


But I also believe that Alex Smith is not THE problem. He is just a problem. We have many issues with this team on both sides of the ball.

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Most disappointing play of the game was when Smith threw  behind Hill when Hill had gotten separation deep.  Wind or no wind, a deep throw further right would have given a chance for Hill to race under it.  This was the worst offense in the Smith era.............except for the first half of the PIT game.  It's more on Reid than Smith.  Stupid cutesy plays when the Chiefs should have just overpowered the Giants.  Kelce shouldn't be throwing passes.  They don't need the shovel pass three times/game.  Why aren't they even trying to get Hunt into space.  The O-line isn't going to get Hunt room straight ahead.  Only positive was Ragland playing better.  Gaines gotta go.  DAT gotta go.  Where's Mitchell and Ramik Wilson?  Reid owns this one.

Reid is supposed to be this offensive guru who has a massive amount of plays in his arsenal....yet it all boils down to the jet sweep, bubble screen, check down to the RB, dive up the gut by the RB....I count about 12-15 plays Reid runs every frickin' game over and over and over. Once in a while he'll throw in something different but I don't count on it.

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We rushed Hunt 18 times today!   18 times in 5 quarters of play.   Wind or no wind, 9 points against a 1-8 team is almost a fireable offense.  Hunt ended up gaining 4 yards per carry.   You have to keep feeding a talent like that in a game like that.   If your going to be creative find a way to get him the ball in space.   Alex Smith sucks but he is what he is and therefore the blame lies on Andy and his stupid play calling.   

To be honest I'm ready for a reset across the board.   I'm not sure Andy can be the guy we want to get us to a SB for every great win vs an elite team in the regular season we lose games we have no business losing, we are soft, and we get bounced early and often in the playoffs.   We are pretenders!

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Even though Smith couldn't deliver I still think it was a shared effort between Smith and Reid to mess this game up. OL was better than most other games, probably due to the opponent playing 3rd string guys all over the roster, but still the playcalling was the worst I've seen in a very long time. At this weather you just run the ball and if it doesn't work out you simply run even more. This is one of those games where you break a couple big runs and they decide the outcome. 


Smith actually had some of his best performances in the cold weather but wind sure was a factor that he failed to adjust. This was simply an AFC playoff environment with cold weather that's also windy so Reid definitely failed in that area. 

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The worst part of Alex being Alex again so blatantly is that the draft compensation we get for him continues to shrink.   It was never going to be more than a 3rd if he had a great season, but now, like I thought from the beginning, I'd be thrilled with a 6, and doubt we get anything but his contract off our books.  

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I don't trust Reid and Sutton in big games either.  They just clam up and don't know what to do.  They're too predictable in their gameplanning and play calling.


I'd like to think it'll change with Mahomes in and it would on some of the plays, but for the most part Reid is still going to call easy to defend running plays and bubble screens.

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