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Three simple jump balls to our right

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1. Hits Gaines helmet, Brown gains possession and that was all she wrote


2. We're winning with only seconds to go at Oakland, Carr throws it deep to our right and their receiver catches it which was the beginning of the end for us


3. Overtime at NY and Eli launches to where? To our right of course and once more it leads to our demise



And when was this strategy conceived you may ask? The very moment Cousins threw to our right-hand side and Doctson dropped which would have probably been the winning touchdown when we played Washington. We got away with it that day but since then we've paid the price in emphatic fashion. You can't have as big a weakness at right CB and get away with it at this level!!!..it just doesn't work like that and this deficiency will more than likely put to bed any hopes we had of going to the big dance.

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