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810am talk radio blaming 'Wind and lack receivers'

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No, Giants played in the same weather conditions and also were missing half their starters on offense. They still beat us.

Their quarterback did better going one direction just like our quarterback did better going one direction. But when they were going the other, both quarterbacks weren't very effective. Broadcasters talked about this and that's why the Giants chose that direction in overtime to go.


The first interception was not due to wind, of course. The other, there could be an effect, but I blame Smith and maybe Robinson (I don't know where he was supposed to be or whether he was where he was supposed to be so I'm not just going to assume that the pass was off) anyway.


But aside from the interceptions, the direction that Kelce threw was the favorable direction. The passes that were errant by Smith was going in the opposite direction. They were going fine until suddenly it started to wobble. It was a spiral for most of it until it was suddenly shot down. They even showed some replays tracking just the ball.


Before you get confused, I do blame Smith and read for the loss. I'm not trying to blame anyone else. We should be able to beat them even when they are motivated. I just wouldn't say that both sides are playing in the same condition and ignore which direction each side is throwing and how well they did. Manning didn't have 100 yards until the last drive or so. Their kicker missed a gimme point after because of the wind.


Having said all that, we need to figure out how to win in the wind because it's only going to get colder and the playoffs may have those type of games. We need to run more and have better plays called and no stupid trick plays. The trick plays should be conservative enough that if the shot isn't there, we don't take it.

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Definitely a lame argument. Both teams played in the same weather and considering that Giants suffered more in the kicks the weather might have helped the Chiefs more. It's not like Kelce was a gunslinger in fair weather conditions. Smart teams adjust to the weather and bad teams use it as an excuse. This week Chiefs were simply terrible, I don't think there can be any reasonable excuse for it. Chiefs as an organization just needs to learn from the mistakes and move on like winners do instead of making up excuses like losers. 

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Definitely a lame argument. Both teams played in the same weather and considering that Giants suffered more in the kicks the weather might have helped the Chiefs more. It's not like Kelce was a gunslinger in fair weather conditions. Smart teams adjust to the weather and bad teams use it as an excuse. This week Chiefs were simply terrible, I don't think there can be any reasonable excuse for it. Chiefs as an organization just needs to learn from the mistakes and move on like winners do instead of making up excuses like losers. 


I don't think the chiefs took the giants serious, until it was too late.

And to make matters worse, it looked like the giants really didn't expect or even want to win the game.


We just sucked more than they did.


I'm just struggling with how the oline played so much better earlier in the year, than how they're playing now.


I mean I can't even count how many times I saw fulton standing there with his hands on his hips after his guy tackled Hunt 1 yd past the LOS. Or watching LDT turned sideways everytime Smith dropped back to pass.


Or Morse getting shoved/pushed into the backfield on run plays.


Reid needs to get into these guys asses and demand that they step up, including Smith and himself. They all need step up.

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I don't think the chiefs took the giants serious, until it was too late.

And to make matters worse, it looked like the giants really didn't expect or even want to win the game.


We just sucked more than they did.


I'm just struggling with how the oline played so much better earlier in the year, than how they're playing now.


I mean I can't even count how many times I saw fulton standing there with his hands on his hips after his guy tackled Hunt 1 yd past the LOS. Or watching LDT turned sideways everytime Smith dropped back to pass.


Or Morse getting shoved/pushed into the backfield on run plays.


Reid needs to get into these guys asses and demand that they step up, including Smith and himself. They all need step up.

We don't have the oline to just line up and run over an inferior opponent when the weather conditions like yesterday dictate it. And we don't have a Tom Brady level QB who can make enough plays to win anyway. This is what makes winning in January difficult for us. We are just pigeon holed into one style and everything we do feeds off the success of that. We held an NFL opponent to 6 points after 60 minutes. That should always be enough. Our inability to run block is a major issue. 

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Poor coaching all over. Wtf are we doing on special teams ?

This game Reid fucked up on 1st down. The outside was there for hunt. Why aren't we pulling guards and following Sherman.

I did not see one screen play or see hunt go up the field against a back up linebacker.

I don't get it. I think it was Kielce who said until we learn how to beat a cover 2 with the run and pass we will struggle. Well a cover 2 allows the d to see what's happening and attack. There are holes. Why the fuck can't our coaches use those iPads on the sideline and adjust.

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