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What is wrong with our OLINE??????????

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Smith is only good with awesome pass protection. Put pressure on him and he chokes. This oline sucks so the sucky Smith shows up.

Alex sees ghosts.  The pass pro has been more than fine.  Run blocking has sucked, but since it's the same line that was opening holes for Hunt early, it's not on them, it's on the QB.   Teams adjusted, and said we'll stop the Hunt, go beat us Alex.   And he can't.  

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Tackles block at an angle pushing the outside rushers behind the qb, thus why it’s called a pocket. The interior line wasn’t collapsing, but Alex on multiple occasions decided to backpedal which caused outside protection to break down because he was actually moving into the blocking angle. He has no feel right now and his confidence is reeling, which is the root cause of the happy feet causing issues. Also, it wasn’t like buffalo was getting coverage sacks, Smith was just missing receivers in his panicked state.

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Alex doesn’t stand and step up in the pocket. He doesn’t read progressions. Defenses are putting 8 in the box to smother the run. When was the last time we generated a pass interference on a throw? Unless the guy is open by 5 yards, Alex doesn’t throw it. Alex is a crappy game manager and is making the entire offense look bad.

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Alex doesn’t stand and step up in the pocket. He doesn’t read progressions. Defenses are putting 8 in the box to smother the run. When was the last time we generated a pass interference on a throw? Unless the guy is open by 5 yards, Alex doesn’t throw it. Alex is a crappy game manager and is making the entire offense look bad.

Alex just isn't man enough. If this was flag football he would be ok but he isn't fit to handle defensive lineman running him down.

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Alex just isn't man enough. If this was flag football he would be ok but he isn't fit to handle defensive lineman running him down.

This is the most bullshit statement of the day. I am fine with benching him. I'm fine with saying he sucks. But acting like he is not a tough player is stupid shit. He is sometimes tough to a fault in taking stupid hits. It's what got him knocked out in San Francisco. I constantly see him taking sacks and getting right up. We constantly see him put his body on the line to get a first down.


Heck, sometimes he'll put his body on the line to get 2 yards on first down. He played through a torn grade 3 throwing shoulder with the Niners. He played four games on that and then had a shoulder botched again in surgery. If there is one thing he is, it's tough. He's also mentally tough to go through what he's gone through with coaches throwing him under the bus, fans, and other factors.


None of this makes him good enough, but I think it's dumb to question his toughness.

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Oh, he has been shitty for sure. Just pointing out, this team is not ready to sacrifice the future in Mahomes unless they show they can run the ball and protect the QB.

The protection Mahomes will get from this line is infinitely better than the protection he had at T Tech.   He won't know what to do with such time. :lol: The O Line IS NOT a problem with this team.   


 if you watch the film, you’ll see Alex repeatedly make pressure worse by getting happy feet, moving off his “spot” in the pocket (which ruins the angles linemen are trying to work, as they can’t see the QB move), and even running into pressure.

Just watching Alex play you can see a quarterback who has lost all trust in his line, and is looking to bail the second things look even a little bit off. And if you think it’s the line’s fault, note how well Alex played against the Eagles and the Redskins, when there was plenty of pressure on Alex. HE was different, not the line. And when your QB is seeing shadows out there, it makes everything else worse.

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LG... I like fulton much better as a backup center.. wish we had the nastiness edinger brought in the run game first half of last year.

Fulton is a terrible LG and I can't believe they've gone back to him after finding this out **Last year!**


The rest of the line is splintering on occasion but Alex Smith is consistently the reasoning behind the supposed poor O-line play. His drops are too far and fails to step up as the tackles swing Defenders around behind him as they are taught and are supposed to do. Instead poor pocket presence has Alex focusing more on the rush than downfield and the pitter patter of Alex's happy little feet move him often directly into the Defenders rush.


Alex played a span of football this season that I would categorize as elite. I hate to use the tiger stripe cliché but it's hard to ignore. Apparently it just wasn't sustainable.


I fully expect Reid to stick with Alex until the wheels are totally off. That doesn't mean losing the division lead, that means mathematically eliminated from playoff contention. I hate it and the last four years have been so terribly hard to watch...success and all. I do hope Mahomes sees the field for a game or two just to get his feet wet.


I'm so looking forward to the new Era.

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