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We need to stop running on 1st down

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We don’t run enough. The problem is the majority of our runs are slow developing end around/jet sweep or some kind of pitch/stretch. It’s all too cute and not enough in your face hit them in the mouth. Our inability to pass certainly hurts the running game no doubt, but Reid has gotten quite predictable in his playvalling.

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Rather than first down runs Chiefs fail in pretty much all downs. As long as the opposition isn't scared of the deep ball every run attempt will face a crowded box. Interestingly most of the Chiefs' long TDs came in first downs when the opposition hasn't been expecting it. 

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We need to stop running the ball period, except on wide Jet sweeps to Tyreke every once in a while, or QB runs, until Alex, or maybe a real QB that throws the ball that teams fear,  loosens the D and then allows us to have a shot running the ball more conventionally.  Right now we can't run conventionally. Running the ball 11 times for 17 yards is not acceptable, and it should be abandoned, not keep doing it more.   

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You have to run the ball to be a good offense. Unless you have Brady. I do get annoyed with 9 out 10 first downs being a run up the gut. It is predictable. Still, we need 40% runs to be successful. We don’t have the QB or WRs to just pass.


Unfortunately we can’t block. Until we do, mute point.

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Against the Bills when it was 3rd and 4, and the Bills had 8 men in the box plus the safety creeping up I started yelling at the TV saying audible, audible out of that play and what happened Hunt was met with half of the Bills defense for several yard loss.  If Smith dont start throwing the ball down the field Hunt will go nowhere.  Smith is averaging 5yards a throw now and the first 5 games he was averaging 10 yards. 

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We need to stop TRYING to run on 1st down....


let's not fool ourselves...



I agree. Any cyclical argument trying to point blame on either one is wrong, in my opinion. I don't think Smith would be making a good line look this bad - but he CAN make THIS line look worse than it is. I don't think he would make the line look better, except for when we have a pass catching running back who is being thrown the ball and the pre-snap reads are what he thinks it is. They say he is good at presnap reads and so that should make things better. But if they are switching things up after the snap, the responsibility is on everybody, including Smith, to adjust and recognize.


But to those who would say that the line is the problem, would be wrong because smith isn't recognizing where the play will break down when it does, he is looking forward to break down when it doesn't, and that's not a good combination. I think on any given play, we can be wrong when we say he missed a player because we don't know the progression, but it is absolutely fair to say that he is missing players. Just because we don't necessarily know what he was coached doesn't mean he was right all the time.


Yes, sometimes you need to improvise and you need to anticipate and need to recognize when someone is going to break open due to coverage, Smith needs to do that and he doesn't do that often, especially compared to the first five games. But any given play, we could also be wrong.

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Interesting take. I don’t know if Alex has the freedom to check out of plays. I see him pointing out rushers, but don’t notice him changing plays. Is that Andy being a control freak or just not trusting Alex. Maybe he is changing plays, but I don’t notice. I think they get to the line with very little time on the clock. Maybe that is a factor.


In the passing game, it looks to me like guys getting burnt and Alex dropping to deep or bailing on the picket too fast. Sometimes he just has no chance and other times he panics.


The run blocking is missed assignments and guys getting stone walled and pushed backwards. It is definitely not Hunt that has dropped off. He has to beat 2 or 3 guys just to get to the LOS. That is a killer.

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What really puzzles me on the run game is, where are these triple TE lineups that Reid had talked about in the past?  Why aren't we going big at times and just seeing if we can blow someone off the line?  I think that Reid's fascination with trying to be smarter than the opponent hinders the offense.  It's football, sometimes you just gotta go knock someone on their ass. 

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What really puzzles me on the run game is, where are these triple TE lineups that Reid had talked about in the past?  Why aren't we going big at times and just seeing if we can blow someone off the line?  I think that Reid's fascination with trying to be smarter than the opponent hinders the offense.  It's football, sometimes you just gotta go knock someone on their ass.


Trouble is Reid said in one of his interviews this week that the bills stayed in their nickel d and we ran out 2 te and an extra ol n they still stopped the run.. that's sad.. gut check time for the interior O line.

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What really puzzles me on the run game is, where are these triple TE lineups that Reid had talked about in the past? Why aren't we going big at times and just seeing if we can blow someone off the line? I think that Reid's fascination with trying to be smarter than the opponent hinders the offense. It's football, sometimes you just gotta go knock someone on their ass.

Our two backup TEs were awful blockers and now one has been released. We need to add a Jason Dunn type in the offseason rather than two converted basketball players.

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Doesn't matter how we line up...2 or 3 TE's, it hasn't seemed to matter.


When we do line up in a 2 -3 TE set, the defense digs in for the run first.


Couple that with Fulton and Fisher whiffing and getting their asses kicked in, and you have no runnning game.


Teams are scheming to take away the run. The Chiefs have known this for awhile. However, when you do catch the defense in a situation favaorable for running the ball, SOMEONE on the oline always makes a mistake. If it's not Fulton, it's Fisher. If not fisher, its LDT/Morse.


The oline has to move and work in harmony. And they have to play like Men, not little girls. It hasn't been happening and Reid knows it.


That's why he keeps saying that the ofensive woes are not just one player.

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I could be wrong, but I thought Harris was supposed to be a pretty good run blocker ?

Considering that he used to be a basketball player, I would trust him to block the most shots. Oh wait, nevermind. Just kidding. Maybe that's why he can catch jump balls like rebounds but wants to dribble the football when passed to.

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Many people, like my dad, say "You have to establish the run to set up the pass".  My argument is that in the Chiefs' case, we need to Pass to set up the run.  We see it happen all the time.  We get stuck time and time again by running on first because the D stacks the box, then we are screwed the rest of the time.  However, it seems EVERY time we make a couple of first down passes in a row, the run game is suddenly open and making decent gains.  I am an uneducated guy that doesn't know squat about formations and motions and looks, but I can always tell you if a run or pass is going to happen on first down when it comes to the chiefs...if I can do it, so can everyone else.  And they are...

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