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810 Petro onboard for firing Reid

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I don't doubt you. I just think if you walked up to Petro and asked "are you on board with firing Andy Reid" his answer wouldn't be a straight up yes. I listened to his podcast, so I knew where you were going with it, but someone who didn't might think something different.


Your title was clever, and stimulates conversation, so I really don't have a issue with it, just slightly misleading IMO.

He's pretty sour on Andy right now but overall I think you are right. Consider also Soren has been all in on playing Mahomes II over Alex Smith from day one. Neither of the ideas are or were good and he's stirring the pot to drive ratings is part of the game. Soren also isn't just a media member but I know is a HUGE Chiefs fan as well. So his emotions clearly can cloud judgement at times.
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Just call the show if you don't believe he said it. He said it again today. He said Andy's the problem. I use to call the show every day.

He's been on a roll today about stupid defensive plays and puts that squarely on the coaches which certainly has some credence to it. But that's really Suttons responsibility.

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