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How are yall feeling about Veach? And what are your expectations?

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With the news of Dorsey getting a new job with the Browns, and many fans on social media praising the job he did with us, I'm just wondering how yall are feeling about his replacement thus far? And what do you expect to see from him as we move forward? The impressive thing about him from the outset for me is the deals he made for Ragland and especially Butker. Those two look like really good moves. The Erving move I'm not sure about, but I guess we can only really judge that next season.


He apparently was the one who pushed hard for Mahomes aswell, so again If Pat does turn out to be a success, it will most certainly reflect well on Bret.  How he does in the offseason is gonna be crucial though. It could really define the next three or four years if he gets it right as we've already got very talented young players. Personally, I have a feeling we might have a real gem here, but only time will tell I guess.

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Hopefully he's his own man and can provide a different perspective to the status quo. We'll see him and his staff in terms of talent evaluation in the upcoming draft/FA but he has come from that background so probably won't be worse than Dorsey. The key part is the business aspect, NFL is a business and contract negotiations make or break a team with ease. I guess we won't get a glimpse of that for a couple more years which might be a good thing as he'll learn the ropes by then. 

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Hopefully he's his own man and can provide a different perspective to the status quo. We'll see him and his staff in terms of talent evaluation in the upcoming draft/FA but he has come from that background so probably won't be worse than Dorsey. The key part is the business aspect, NFL is a business and contract negotiations make or break a team with ease. I guess we won't get a glimpse of that for a couple more years which might be a good thing as he'll learn the ropes by then. 



well if he starts cutting or renegotiating with over paid players and signing others to favorable contracts we should get a glimpse of  it in short order..he's had plenty of time to learn from Dorsey's mistakes,  a couple years my ass he dont have that long

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well if he starts cutting or renegotiating with over paid players and signing others to favorable contracts we should get a glimpse of  it in short order..he's had plenty of time to learn from Dorsey's mistakes,  a couple years my ass he dont have that long


Chiefs don't really have any resignings this year except for guys like KPL who should get a negligible deal. FA pretty much sets its own market so I don't think we'll see any major resignings until the end of next year. 

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He picked up an elite kicker off a practice squad rather than pay our veteran what would have been a decent sized second contract. And this with several teams in kicking purgatory looking for anyone to help. That's as good as it gets. Ragland trade looks like a good one as well. Book is out on Irving whom I hear is a complete reclamation project with a bad attitude.
Realty though is that we have no idea yet what he's got. 90 percent of this roster is Dorsey's. This is a Dorsey created CAP mess Vesxh has to work his way out of. Ironically gonna have to be Dorsey like in round 3 (Russell disaster aside) to help get us out minus a first round pick. On the other hand he inherits 3 good young playmakers on offense to build around so it's far from s reclamation job. He's got task of getting younger while releasing core veterans and yet keeping us competitive from the get go. I know Andy Reid does not envision a rebuilding season. He expects to return to winning even with a young QB right away. Veach has his hands full with that.

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Very mixed.  Horrible, ridiculous moves signing Mauga, Roy Miller, and now Revis.   Those are precisely the types he has to stay away from.

Good moves getting Ragland, Erving, ButtKicker.  

He needs to stand up to Andy's desire to sign older, name Free Agents.   That's why especially the Revis move is so troubling, after the Mauga and Miller failures, and could be a giant red flag for Free Agency next year..  

Totally unknown on the draft, but would think that'll be a strength.   But being a good drafter is being good at delegating, and sifting through relevant info, not just recognizing talent, and we'll have to see how well he does that. 

Right now he'd get a solid C from me.   Long, long way to go to be as good, or better than Dorsey.  He has a lot to live up to., and how independent he is of Andy will go a long way in telling us his story.    

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Very mixed.  Horrible, ridiculous moves signing Mauga, Roy Miller, and now Revis.   Those are precisely the types he has to stay away from.

Good moves getting Ragland, Erving, ButtKicker.  

He needs to stand up to Andy's desire to sign older, name Free Agents.   That's why especially the Revis move is so troubling, after the Mauga and Miller failures, and could be a giant red flag for Free Agency next year..  

Totally unknown on the draft, but would think that'll be a strength.   But being a good drafter is being good at delegating, and sifting through relevant info, not just recognizing talent, and we'll have to see how well he does that. 

Right now he'd get a solid C from me.   Long, long way to go to be as good, or better than Dorsey.  He has a lot to live up to., and how independent he is of Andy will go a long way in telling us his story.    


LOL you mean you're STILL crying about Revis? STILL? Let it go man :D 

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LOL you mean you're STILL crying about Revis? STILL? Let it go man :D

Why would I let it go?   It was a horrible, troubling for the future, signing.  He played so poorly in his first game he had to be benched.  I'll "let it go" when they let him go.  

The signing certainly goes into any evaluation of Veach.  

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And if he plays well on Sunday then what? You gonna come on here and eat crow right?

Not in the slightest.  I'm sure plenty of people will attack me if he plays OK, but I'm used to it, when I take position that differ from the masses.   

It was a horrible signing period, and if it portends the type of Free Agent signings Veach makes regularly in Free Agency, he'll be an enormous failure, and the C I gave him for this year will be the apex of his mark.  

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Very mixed. Horrible, ridiculous moves signing Mauga, Roy Miller, and now Revis. Those are precisely the types he has to stay away from.

Good moves getting Ragland, Erving, ButtKicker.

He needs to stand up to Andy's desire to sign older, name Free Agents. That's why especially the Revis move is so troubling, after the Mauga and Miller failures, and could be a giant red flag for Free Agency next year..

Totally unknown on the draft, but would think that'll be a strength. But being a good drafter is being good at delegating, and sifting through relevant info, not just recognizing talent, and we'll have to see how well he does that.

Right now he'd get a solid C from me. Long, long way to go to be as good, or better than Dorsey. He has a lot to live up to., and how independent he is of Andy will go a long way in telling us his story.

I'll agree 100 percent you were right about Mauga. To give him any guarantee was just dumb. Our run D improved when Sutton adjusted to Miller and Logan both playing so I won't go all in with you there. His offield issue isn't Veachs fault but he was wise to cut him. Revis for $300,000 is an irrelevant shot in the dark to help woeful unit that will have to be addressed in earnest next offseason.

These are all drops in the bucket though compared to massive waste Dorsey was handing out in contracts to regressing or injury riddled veterans. So hopefully Veach learned from that.

We also agree to do that means Veach needs to be a hard liner and not overpay anyone no matter what Andy wants. There's no reason we should be operating on the razors edge of CAP room 4 years into Veachs tenure or else he's likely failing.

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You cry about these one year deals Veach made to stop gap holes.


Here are just a few of Dorseys signings.   Had more of Dorsey's players developed on the D I would be right with you but its looking more and more like he whiffed on quite a few picks there and his debacle with Maclin, and overpaying Hali and Bowe were brutal and we were fortunate Bowe helped us get out of his deal.   I like Dorsey and think he did well but he wasn't some rock star genius.   He will do good in Cleveland if they land a good coach as long as he learns from his mistake.  Often times you don't learn those lessons unless you suffer a job loss or get demoted so we will see.   Veach might do great or he might not but only time will tell.   But calling out these moves he's made on modest one year deals like Dorsey never did them is asinine.   Dorsey did the same thing.

Rod Streater 

Tamba Hali

Traded for Ben Grubbs

Jason Avant

Dwayne Bowe

Ryan Harris

Josh Mauga

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You cry about these one year deals Veach made to stop gap holes.


Here are just a few of Dorseys signings.   Had more of Dorsey's players developed on the D I would be right with you but its looking more and more like he whiffed on quite a few picks there and his debacle with Maclin, and overpaying Hali and Bowe were brutal and we were fortunate Bowe helped us get out of his deal.   I like Dorsey and think he did well but he wasn't some rock star genius.   He will do good in Cleveland if they land a good coach as long as he learns from his mistake.  Often times you don't learn those lessons unless you suffer a job loss or get demoted so we will see.   Veach might do great or he might not but only time will tell.   But calling out these moves he's made on modest one year deals like Dorsey never did them is asinine.   Dorsey did the same thing.

Rod Streater 

Tamba Hali

Traded for Ben Grubbs

Jason Avant

Dwayne Bowe

Ryan Harris

Josh Mauga

Streeter was 28, and we actually traded him for something.  Hali has been covered.  Grubbs was a trade.  Avant was an emergency, in season signing, that knew Andy's system, and if you don't think that was all Andy, you're not paying attention.  Bowe was our own guy, was 28.  Ryan Harris was 29.  When Dorsey first signed Mauga, he was 27.  When he resigned him to a horrid contract that I blasted, he was 28.  He properly cut him last year.  Veach then signed him like an idiot, and was saddled with double dead money, or something stupid like that.  Try again. 

I never had a problem blasting Dorsey when he made a bad move, and I'll continue to do it with Veach.  Sadly, he's already given me ample opportunity.  

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The worst part about all this bickering is that with Dorsey now in Cleveland, it is "said" that Reid had control of the roster even while Dorsey was here. Seems Dorsey only had limited input and has insisted that in Cleveland he get full control.


Take that however you like but to me, that pulls much of Dorseys "Cred" in my eyes. I don't know whether that makes me comfy or worried.

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The worst part about all this bickering is that with Dorsey now in Cleveland, it is "said" that Reid had control of the roster even while Dorsey was here. Seems Dorsey only had limited input and has insisted that in Cleveland he get full control.


Take that however you like but to me, that pulls much of Dorseys "Cred" in my eyes. I don't know whether that makes me comfy or worried.

Reality is they both suck on roster decisions. Reid is an above avg coach and should stick to that. Dorsey is a walking excuse machine.

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The worst part about all this bickering is that with Dorsey now in Cleveland, it is "said" that Reid had control of the roster even while Dorsey was here. Seems Dorsey only had limited input and has insisted that in Cleveland he get full control.


Take that however you like but to me, that pulls much of Dorseys "Cred" in my eyes. I don't know whether that makes me comfy or worried.


In my case it's a worrisome issue. Chiefs made a lot of roster mistakes and I would be happier if they were all Dorsey. 

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