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Was Reid giving sutton shit on the sidelines

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I saw Reid go over to him and pointing at the field. I hope he ripped him one. If this is true looks like Reid is starting to throw his weight around a little. I like it.

It was about a timeout. Sutton showed an incredible lack of game awareness when he took a timeout when the Raiders had 1 second left on the play clock and were a micro second away from taking a timeout (one of their last two) themselves. Sutton not only saved a timeout for the Raiders, but his defense promptly gave up a touchdown on the next play. I nearly threw by beer at he tv.

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So what's everyone's vibe about Bob's future with the organization? If Andy is chewing him out in public, coupled with the defenses poor showing this season, then I'd say Bob's future doesn't look good at all. 


They guys probably a fricking millionaire.  He sucks and needs to be GONE

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So what's everyone's vibe about Bob's future with the organization? If Andy is chewing him out in public, coupled with the defenses poor showing this season, then I'd say Bob's future doesn't look good at all. 


 I think Bob  will be the sacrificial lamb unless the Defense finds a way to shut down the rest of our opponents even then its questionable he will return

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They guys probably a fricking millionaire.  He sucks and needs to be GONE


 the only thing that sucks continuously is you inability to say any thing other than SUCKS! and who cares if he's a millionaire? it sure doesn't make him stand out on the football field full of other millionaires.. your logic sucks that what sucks

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 the only thing that sucks continuously is you inability to say any thing other than SUCKS! and who cares if he's a millionaire? it sure doesn't make him stand out on the football field full of other millionaires.. your logic sucks that what sucks

No one should feel bad for the guy like he's going to go broke or something.  He needs to go because he is TERRIBLE.

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There's another string on the board right now about Nagy eventually being in demand as a head coach. I do find it compelling that Sutton is one of the very few assistants that Andy has had that doesn't get any mention for another head coaching job. And Andy has had OCs, DCs and even STs coaches all get head coaching gigs. Its quite a coaching tree really.  Fact nobody seems interested in Sutton seems like it has to mean something. And Im also one of the few that thinks he's been been pretty decent here.  

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There's another string on the board right now about Nagy eventually being in demand as a head coach. I do find it compelling that Sutton is one of the very few assistants that Andy has had that doesn't get any mention for another head coaching job. And Andy has had OCs, DCs and even STs coaches all get head coaching gigs. Its quite a coaching tree really.  Fact nobody seems interested in Sutton seems like it has to mean something. And Im also one of the few that thinks he's been been pretty decent here.  


Right, if no one has been interested in him as a HC then that should tell you everything you need to know.


The scheme and attitude he brings sucks and I want him gone after the season.

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It was about a timeout. Sutton showed an incredible lack of game awareness when he took a timeout when the Raiders had 1 second left on the play clock and were a micro second away from taking a timeout (one of their last two) themselves. Sutton not only saved a timeout for the Raiders, but his defense promptly gave up a touchdown on the next play. I nearly threw by beer at he tv.

Am I the only one that sees the irony in Reid yelling at someone for poor clock management and misuse of timeouts?

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NFL rulebook states only the Head Coach or players in the game can call a time out. Maybe Sutton was yelling to call a time out to a player or telling Reid to do so? I would have to see the play again but a time out by an assistant coach can result in a 5 yard penalty, if the refs catch it that is. If it is granted for the time out, then it will stand without penalty. Kind of like when Seattle took back to back time outs in a game, once to get the clock stopped then they took another one again with to many men on the field. Happened in 2015 against the Cowboys but no penalty because the refs never realized it.

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Sutton might have told DJ to call a timeout or even if he asks for one Reid would probably call for it regardless and then worry about the details. Sutton might have been asking for a TO for a very good reason and I doubt Reid even had the time to ask for a reasoning. 

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