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The Alex Smith Wins Thread

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This decision will come down to Reid. If Reid feels Mahomes isn’t yet ready then don’t be shocked to see Alex on the roster next year. It’s not what I want but you never know with this stubborn ass coach.


If Alex plays out his contact and becomes a free agent, our cap space opens the same amount if we were to cut him earlier, yes?

Spotrac says 20.6 to keep him and 3.6 dead money to cut him.

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Alex is an athlete playing QB, he’s not natural like Mahomes.


We’re all ready for Mahomes and Mahomes is just as ready. Even if the Chiefs win the superbowl I would rather see Mahomes start next year.


I’ve seen more Mahomes jerseys than Smith jerseys. The Chiefs would then make more money starting Mahomes next season. So therefore I think I answered my own curiosity if Smith has a chance of being a Chief next year

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The more pertinent question is why anyone would WANT to see another year with Smith at QB rather than a guy who's ceiling is immensely higher. Havent you seen enough? He's been in the league 13 years. Is that not long enough to draw conclusions?


Drafting Mahomes may have been the most exciting moment Ive experienced as a Chiefs fan in the last 20 years. And there are people who want to delay this new era? Its mind boggling.


I dont give a shit if they outright release Smith for NO compensation. As long as he isnt here blocking Mahomes any longer its progress.

Agreed. In other words, this season really truly means nothing unless they win the AFC championship. All eyes are for next year.
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I want Alex to play well for several reasons. First and foremost, it gives the Chiefs the best chance to win.  Second, it increases Alex's trade value in the off-season.  If he plays well the last three weeks (hopefully) I think he brings two picks in a trade.  Probably a 2nd and an additional mid-late round pick.  Hopefully the trade is made prior to the 2018 draft and the picks are this year.


Regardless, go Alex the next three games!  And then, Go Pat the next 10-years!

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Alex is an athlete playing QB, he’s not natural like Mahomes.


We’re all ready for Mahomes and Mahomes is just as ready. Even if the Chiefs win the superbowl I would rather see Mahomes start next year.


I’ve seen more Mahomes jerseys than Smith jerseys. The Chiefs would then make more money starting Mahomes next season. So therefore I think I answered my own curiosity if Smith has a chance of being a Chief next year

Bullshit. He's s quarterback playing quarterback. There just are better quarterbacks out there now and in the future.

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Ehh. He's inconsistent but he can do it when he lets loose. He's a quarterback playing quarterback.

That’s just it. He throws too tight, without feel, like a consistent programmed motion. He can throw the ball and he’s smart, which is why he has gotten this far with all these wins. However the motion is not natural, it’s adopted.


This is why we don’t see him make the spectacular throws needed to win big games. His arm isn’t programmed to make it, unless he feels the motion instead of going through the motion, which isn’t him.

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That’s just it. He throws too tight, without feel, like a consistent programmed motion. He can throw the ball and he’s smart, which is why he has gotten this far with all these wins. However the motion is not natural, it’s adopted.


This is why we don’t see him make the spectacular throws needed to win big games. His arm isn’t programmed to make it, unless he feels the motion instead of going through the motion, which isn’t him.

I agree and disagree. I think he can and will at times let it be natural and play well in doing so. He's not a robot, is athletic, etc. I don't mean every improvisation is a natural made play, but he's let go before and played well. Instincts have been used before and worked well. He's not a gunslinger, but that doesn't mean it isn't natural to him. Different styles.


Don't get me wrong, my objection isn't really about natural feel but rather I am saying that he's a quarterback playing quarterback. There are instincts there, not just physical ability and smarts. It's just that some other QBs are better and may have help or not.

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He is well above average. We make it out like he is one of the worst, but he is top ten by any measure.


6th in yards

5th in TDs

3rd in Completion percentage

1st in INTs among year long starters

7th has n yards per game

2nd in QB rating

3rd in yards per attempt


It’s not like he is throwing to Pro Bowl WRs or being protected by Pro Bowl linemen. I can’t even remember the last time we had an Olineman in the Pro Bowl.


I wish we would put down our torches and pitch forks once in a while. Shit, now I sound like Phat.

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He is well above average. We make it out like he is one of the worst, but he is top ten by any measure.


6th in yards

5th in TDs

3rd in Completion percentage

1st in INTs among year long starters

7th has n yards per game

2nd in QB rating

3rd in yards per attempt


It’s not like he is throwing to Pro Bowl WRs or being protected by Pro Bowl linemen. I can’t even remember the last time we had an Olineman in the Pro Bowl.


I wish we would put down our torches and pitch forks once in a while. Shit, now I sound like Phat.

Tyreek Hill is probably a pro bowler and so is Kelce. Schwartz is a top 5 RT going against the best pass rusher each team has weekly.
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He is well above average. We make it out like he is one of the worst, but he is top ten by any measure.

6th in yards

5th in TDs

3rd in Completion percentage

1st in INTs among year long starters

7th has n yards per game

2nd in QB rating

3rd in yards per attempt

It’s not like he is throwing to Pro Bowl WRs or being protected by Pro Bowl linemen. I can’t even remember the last time we had an Olineman in the Pro Bowl.

I wish we would put down our torches and pitch forks once in a while. Shit, now I sound like Phat.

Branden Albert, I believe. It's been awhile.

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Kelce is. Hill has never been selected as a WR, but is borderline IMO. In no way is Schwartz or anyone on our Oline Top 5. People say that, but it is not true. Schwartz has never been to a Pro Bowl RT. He is solid. Slightly above average.

We’ve got above average solid tackles that are pretty much on the same ability plane as Alex Smith.

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I agree and disagree. I think he can and will at times let it be natural and play well in doing so. He's not a robot, is athletic, etc. I don't mean every improvisation is a natural made play, but he's let go before and played well. Instincts have been used before and worked well. He's not a gunslinger, but that doesn't mean it isn't natural to him. Different styles.


Don't get me wrong, my objection isn't really about natural feel but rather I am saying that he's a quarterback playing quarterback. There are instincts there, not just physical ability and smarts. It's just that some other QBs are better and may have help or not.

I agree with all of this. Smith is the man. Only 1 pro bowl offensive line in 5 seasons? Give us a break.
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Won’t it be something to see Smith start for the Chiefs next season? His opportunity begins with dragging this non-playoff team to the AFC championship

A few of them were alright until they all got injured (Ware, Nelson, Berry, Ford, Conley, Morse) or never healed up in the first place (Johnson, Ehinger, Hali, Houston). Actually, this year has felt like nothing more than preparing the next generation of defense.

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