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The Alex Smith Wins Thread

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Just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to. My issue with your take is that if Smith ever had the talent around him that guys like Manning, Brady, Roethlisberger, Marino, and Aikman had, he'd fire shots downfield the same as any of them. Smith scrambles because at times he has to, not merely because he can. And the same applies to guys like Rodgers, who has gone through stretches of iffy blocking from time to time.


You said "Manning never relied on mobility... neither did Brady," and the implication was that Smith did, effectively classing him with guys like Robert Griffin III, Colin Kaepernick, and Tyrod Taylor. If Smith ever had the talent on offense that Manning or Brady had, we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion. We'd instead be talking about how great it is to watch guys like Rodgers and Smith attack defenses down field while occasionally scrambling for first downs.

And if Smith had a rocket in his butt he'd fly to the moon! Fight the power!

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Just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to. My issue with your take is that if Smith ever had the talent around him that guys like Manning, Brady, Roethlisberger, Marino, and Aikman had, he'd fire shots downfield the same as any of them. Smith scrambles because at times he has to, not merely because he can. And the same applies to guys like Rodgers, who has gone through stretches of iffy blocking from time to time.


You said "Manning never relied on mobility... neither did Brady," and the implication was that Smith did, effectively classing him with guys like Robert Griffin III, Colin Kaepernick, and Tyrod Taylor. If Smith ever had the talent on offense that Manning or Brady had, we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion. We'd instead be talking about how great it is to watch guys like Rodgers and Smith attack defenses down field while occasionally scrambling for first downs.



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Jamarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf were statues.  It didn't make them pocket passers.  Alex's style of play is what makes him different than Peyton Manning.  They could switch offensive lineman and they would still be who they are.  Smith relies on his legs.  He always has regardless of who played line for him.  That's not an indictment.  Peyton Manning was not going to run the read option no matter how bad his line was.  That's my point. 


I agree with everything you said here except your very first sentence. They both just were absolute busts and are a very poor example to make your argument. We're talking about quality QB's here and often QB's that are busts have numerous flaws that would cause them to not up hold many rule of thumb you wanted to impose on a topic.


Still that said, when Smith had very solid line play he has stood tall in the pocket. He was a pocket passer. The read option has been more relevant in the Chiefs this season then it has in any other season since 2013. I guess we have two different definitions of a pocket passer. You seem to be more of the opinion that because Smith utilizes his legs 3-5 times per game he isn't a pocket passer. I'm of the opinion that he is just making plays with his legs a few times per game. That's not a lot in my opinion. You're talking about 3-5 snaps over the course of 29-37 pass attempts. Those are his averages from 2013-2015. 2 seasons he averaged just over 3 rushes per game. 2 seasons he averaged 5 rushes per game. This season he is averaging 4 per game.


Tom Brady averages 2 rushes per game consistently. Ben R averages 2 per game. Manning averaged 1 per game. We're talking about the difference of 2 plays per game. 2 plays per game is a big enough amount of overall snaps to change someone from a "pure pocket passer" to a "non pure pocket passer"? I mean I get it, 4 is double the amount of 2. It's more. Aaron Rodgers averages 3.5 rushes per game. For comparisons sake though Vick averaged 6 rushes per game. Where do we draw the line? Is it scheme based? Is it rushing attempts based? Is it rushing yards based?


I'm just not seeing it as a significant difference which by itself will cause me to have a harder time seeing this topic from your perspective. I don't think its a difference of these QB's being pure pocket passers or not. I think it's simply the guys you think are pure pocket passers just had more arm talent. Smith is more conservative so there may be plays that he takes the safe option and runs for 2-5 yards as opposed to trying to throw a dart for 15-30 yards into coverage. I don't think that makes someone a pocket passer or not a pocket passer.


I don't know man, that is why we're here debating the finer points of football. LOL


Just for the sake of this topic, is Ben really a pocket passer? I feel like he scrambles a hell of a lot and moves around outside of the pocket despite only rushing on average 2 times per game. Does a pocket passer have to primarily stay in the pocket or do they just have to pass first before running despite the pocket? Aaron Rodgers seems to make some crazy plays consistently outside the pocket. Just some food for thought.

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