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Do yall think a bidding war will start for Alex?

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McNabb was the fall guy for the ineptitude of the Eagles in several drafts prior. Circumstances aren’t the same.


But that's not the point. You said he wouldn't trade to a division rival but the fact is he's done it before and with a much better QB. So It's not out of the question that he could do it again. IF Denver offered us a 2nd and a 4th or something then I'd be surprised to see us turn it down. 

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McNabb was the fall guy for the ineptitude of the Eagles in several drafts prior. Circumstances aren’t the same.


Doesn't change the fact that he was traded to a division rival at the same age.  That part of the equation is exactly the same.  And that's the relevant point here.  I believe we would trade Alex to anyone for the right price.  It's how Andy has operated in the past, I'm sure it's our organizational philosophy at this point.

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But that's not the point. You said he wouldn't trade to a division rival but the fact is he's done it before and with a much better QB. So It's not out of the question that he could do it again. IF Denver offered us a 2nd and a 4th or something then I'd be surprised to see us turn it down. 


Yes, that was my point, though I think McNabb was clearly on the downside of his career while Alex is having sort of a late prime.  So even though McNabb was much better than Alex overall over the course of their respective careers, at this particular age they're closer to comparable, with maybe the edge to Alex.

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Doesn't change the fact that he was traded to a division rival at the same age. That part of the equation is exactly the same. And that's the relevant point here. I believe we would trade Alex to anyone for the right price. It's how Andy has operated in the past, I'm sure it's our organizational philosophy at this point.

Big difference is that Alex is coming off his best year, McNabb was not at all, in fact he was in decline. But we’ll have to agree to disagree because I don’t see Andy trading Alex to the Broncos.

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Big difference is that Alex is coming off his best year, McNabb was not at all, in fact he was in decline. But we’ll have to agree to disagree because I don’t see Andy trading Alex to the Broncos.

Notion that Andy is too loyal to his QBs is completely disproven by him moving McNabb. He knew Donovan was declining and probably only traded him within division because of that. If he did trade Alex to Denver it just means he’s confident he can beat them anyway with Mahomes II and he just wants the most compensation he can get period. He’s almost certainly making this QB move because he’s tired of losing playoff games after all.

But if there’s any legit market at all why not trade him outside division.

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Yes, that was my point, though I think McNabb was clearly on the downside of his career while Alex is having sort of a late prime.  So even though McNabb was much better than Alex overall over the course of their respective careers, at this particular age they're closer to comparable, with maybe the edge to Alex.

A couple thoughts from the cheap seats...


McNabb was/is not "much" better than A. Smith by objective measures. Look at yards, completion percentage, TD percentage, INT percentage, etc. and the numbers are very similar. Barring a catastrophic injury, Smith looks to far surpass McNabb's numbers by he time he retires.


Regardless, I do not believe there is a snowballs chance in hell the Chiefs brass trades Smith within the division. Despite Reid's prior history with the Eagles.


Lastly, I do not believe there will be a bidding war, but there are absolutely teams out there that are a competent QB away from taking a step towards contending - even if only as a stopgap. AS's contract is extremely reasonable for. Pro-bowl caliber QB. The team that trades for him wouldn't even need to redo the contract and could be positioned to tag/trade him in '19 if he had another solid season.


Smith will be traded, possibly to the Browns, Jag's, Bill's, Jet's, Saints (if they can't hold onto Brees) or the Cardinals. I thin a second or third is the likely compensation.

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I don’t think it would make sense to trade Smith to Denver. They would go from cellar dweller to arguably the best team in the division instantly. Hunt not Reid would allow that. To San Diego? Maybe.


I think Miami, Buffalo, Houston (depending on Watson’s time table).

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Reid will do what's best for kc not what's best for Smith. He will sperate business and personal.



Andy a few days after the season had ended said Mcnabb was still his starting QB. A few months later he traded Mcnabb to Washington. Andy and Mcnabb had a pretty strong relationship away from football. The 2 had a healthy respect for each other. I don't think anybody can say with any certainty that he respects Smith more than Mcnabb.


While i don't believe the Browns will even go after Smith if they were the best offer on table or for that matter the only offer, i have no doubts Andy will do what's best for Andy and KC and he wouldn't have a problem sending Smith to Cleveland. If Smith is the pro that people believe he is, he will understand it and probably even expect Andy to take the best offer because that's his job, not to send Smith where he wants to go.

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But that's not the point. You said he wouldn't trade to a division rival but the fact is he's done it before and with a much better QB. So It's not out of the question that he could do it again. IF Denver offered us a 2nd and a 4th or something then I'd be surprised to see us turn it down.

Where McNabb was and where Smith is now, McNabb was not a "much better" quarterback. One can argue who is better and that's fine, that might go McNabb's way depending on what one values, but it's not "much better" at the stages they were at.




I know the league is different and everything, but McNabb's numbers aren't really that great compared to this year. One can say that Smith is an operation, but the league is "what have you done for me lately" league. At the time of the trade, McNabb won 10 of the 14 starts, but the numbers weren't "much better" at all. One could say that they were comparable, but they weren't better. 22 and 10 versus 26 and five. 15 games versus 14. Smith had more yards and everything per game and total. And he has run for more first downs, yardage, etc.


And yes, I know numbers are not everything. Someone who has supported Smith in the past cannot possibly stick to numbers. But I don't like the idea of "much better" at the time of the trade. I mean, the age was mentioned.

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Reid will do what's best for kc not what's best for Smith. He will sperate business and personal.



Andy a few days after the season had ended said Mcnabb was still his starting QB. A few months later he traded Mcnabb to Washington. Andy and Mcnabb had a pretty strong relationship away from football. The 2 had a healthy respect for each other. I don't think anybody can say with any certainty that he respects Smith more than Mcnabb.


While i don't believe the Browns will even go after Smith if they were the best offer on table or for that matter the only offer, i have no doubts Andy will do what's best for Andy and KC and he wouldn't have a problem sending Smith to Cleveland. If Smith is the pro that people believe he is, he will understand it and probably even expect Andy to take the best offer because that's his job, not to send Smith where he wants to go.

Yep, that was my point. There is no loyalty in this game.
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If Reid was in “charge” like everyone says, I’m sure he had to have known.


I realize "people" say that and it may or may not be true, but it's been reported that Clark and Andy were not happy with, at the least, the "how" of the Maclin cut.  And the context of the original comment was about how Andy respects players or not.

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I realize "people" say that and it may or may not be true, but it's been reported that Clark and Andy were not happy with, at the least, the "how" of the Maclin cut. And the context of the original comment was about how Andy respects players or not.

And mine was toungue in cheek..


There is no/loyalty respect in the nfl.

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Why do people keep bringing up Jax? They have a 25 year old qb who led them to a division title, a 3 seed and his numbers are pretty similar to smiths.


He's still been pretty bad at times this year, although at other times he's played pretty well.  It wouldn't be out of the question that they are looking to upgrade, and some pundits have mentioned Smith as a possibility.  Now, I agree with you, I'm not sure an aging Smith is an upgrade over a possibly-coming-into-his-own Bortles, but it's not ridiculous to entertain the idea.

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Why do people keep bringing up Jax? They have a 25 year old qb who led them to a division title, a 3 seed and his numbers are pretty similar to smiths.


Because his overall career stats are garbage maybe? The fact that he's 25 means nothing. Smith is better than him, PERIOD. So if Jaggs want to grow then why not make a move?

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