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Gruden to be hired on Tuesday

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Gruden was a solid coach for the Raiders during his short time. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out now. It's going to be exciting that's for sure. I watched him interview Mahomes, I think before the draft, not sure. He kind of knows what he will be up agianst and hope that doesn't give him any kind of advantage,

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The Rooney Rule also puts black coaches infront of folks who might not even think about them should a coaching role/job come up in the future. Therefore though they'd clearly made their decision a long time ago, giving a black coach an interview is not a bad thing imo.

Not to mention the hiring process for head coaches is high pressure. Always good to get practice at it. Too many people are bad in interviews, but like anything else it can be a learned skill.

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Gruden scares me about as bad as Brian Billick (which is not much).  Both inherited Super Bowl Caliber teams, won, and then slowly ran those teams into the ground.  QB guru?  If collecting QB's in the preseason means you're and guru then yes he is just that.  I believe he will flame out within 5 years.

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SMH.. Yea Wilkie he's the one that beat up Otis Taylor in the strike year thinking he was a scab..  Come on Man!!!!  Thats Dino Hackett standing behind OT


 Hey OT..yea I remember thinking what a dumb fuck he was...mistaking a 55 yr old man for a replacement player..he was just waiting to pounce..roid rage at its finest..



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I think as a coach Gruden was not the amazing wunderkind that some people remember him as, nor was he a bum who just won with Dungy's players.  That never made sense to me---if Dungy gets the credit for what Tampa Bay did the year after he left, why wouldn't Gruden get the credit for Oakland getting to the Superbowl also the year after he left?


Having said that, the key word is "was."  I'm very skeptical that nine years in the booth has kept him totally fresh and up-to-date with current trends.  I expect him to be somewhat worse than the good-but-not-great coach that he was.

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