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Switch to a 4-3

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A terrible idea.


Kpass is not a 4-3 end, Houston wouldn't hold up 16 weeks with his hand in the ground...without mentioning you're killing his versatility.


Ragland is not a good fit in a 4-3, which is partly why the Chiefs got him for a steal.


They don't have 4-3 personnel at all.

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A terrible idea.

Kpass is not a 4-3 end, Houston wouldn't hold up 16 weeks with his hand in the ground...without mentioning you're killing his versatility.

Ragland is not a good fit in a 4-3, which is partly why the Chiefs got him for a steal.

They don't have 4-3 personnel at all.

Couldnt disagree much more. Kpass at his size is much better suited as a 43 DE than a 34 OLB. Houston is an outstanding run stopper and is a workout warrior. No reason to think he couldnt excel in ANY scheme. He played with his hand on the ground at some Georgia and was very effective.


Ragland shouldnt be pigeonholed. He is best suited inside in a 34, but he is instinctive and athletic and could still thump inside in a 43. He would still come off in nickel and dime, in favor of a faster coverage LB who likely isnt on the team now. Buffalo gave up on him as much because of injury as schematic fit. You cant plan your base defense around a player you traded a 2019 4th rounder for anyway.


Corners and safeties should be able to play regardless of scheme. We absolutely have the personnel for a 43, amd I'm looking forward to see if they implement one.


These guys are outstanding athletes and intelligent. The notion that they cant be effective in multiple schemes is ludicrous.

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Couldnt disagree much more. Kpass at his size is much better suited as a 43 DE than a 34 OLB. Houston is an outstanding run stopper and is a workout warrior. No reason to think he couldnt excel in ANY scheme. He played with his hand on the ground at some Georgia and was very effective.

Ragland shouldnt be pigeonholed. He is best suited inside in a 34, but he is instinctive and athletic and could still thump inside in a 43. He would still come off in nickel and dime, in favor of a faster coverage LB who likely isnt on the team now. Buffalo gave up on him as much because of injury as schematic fit. You cant plan your base defense around a player you traded a 2019 4th rounder for anyway.

Corners and safeties should be able to play regardless of scheme. We absolutely have the personnel for a 43, amd I'm looking forward to see if they implement one.

These guys are outstanding athletes and intelligent. The notion that they cant be effective in multiple schemes is ludicrous.



Kpass is made for a 4-3 end. And like you said Houston is strong against the run. And at 6'3 267 is plenty big enough.


I also agree Ragland would be good on a 4-3. 2 big DTs protecting him would make him a monster. I like eligwe and KPL next to him too. They have very good speed.


I also think RNR would be better in a 4-3 penetrating system. As would Chris Jones. Bailey playing the 1 tech would be nice too.


I want to go to the 4-3

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Kpass is made for a 4-3 end. And like you said Houston is strong against the run. And at 6'3 267 is plenty big enough.


I also agree Ragland would be good on a 4-3. 2 big DTs protecting him would make him a monster. I like eligwe and KPL next to him too. They have very good speed.


I also think RNR would be better in a 4-3 penetrating system. As would Chris Jones. Bailey playing the 1 tech would be nice too.


I want to go to the 4-3

Houston isn't even versatile anymore. Stick his hand in the ground and have him stuff the run. I'm fine with that. The idea of him floating around covering in space made no sense at all. You all can thank Father Time for that.
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I can't think of a bigger waste of time/resources than investing in a 4 man front with the amount of sub packages they run.


Houston isn't even versatile anymore. Stick his hand in the ground and have him stuff the run. I'm fine with that. The idea of him floating around covering in space made no sense at all. You all can thank Father Time for that.

Talk about wrong, unless we're gonna fault him because he couldn't cover Antonio Brown with no help.
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I can't think of a bigger waste of time/resources than investing in a 4 man front with the amount of sub packages they run.Talk about wrong, unless we're gonna fault him because he couldn't cover Antonio Brown with no help.

well our subpackages are 4 man fronts so it is easier to play in them. Right now we have 3-4 plungers trying to play in our 4 man nickel and dime packages. No pass rush.
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well our subpackages are 4 man fronts so it is easier to play in them. Right now we have 3-4 plungers trying to play in our 4 man nickel and dime packages. No pass rush.

So than what makes you think that going 4 man front fulltime is a magic pill? And Sutton only went 4 man front out of dire need.


It's not the scheme. The players suck at a lot of spots.

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Our new DC is gonna employ whatever scheme he is comfortable with. I will say Reids best defenses were in Philly with a 4 man front and JJ calling plays as a DC.


And it absolutely IS the scheme as well as the personnel. Sutton asks Houston to cover TEs, backs and sit down and contain the edge on nearly half his snaps. He also loves dropping 7 and even 8 men into coverage and relying on his fronts alone to get pressure. He refuses to adjust and bring more pressure to make QBs uncomfortable. Thats not formation, its scheme, and his sucks.


So whether we stay 34 or switch to 43 we need a much more innovative and aggressive playcaller at DC.

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We have lined up in base looks in 3-4 and 4-3 all year. Not as much 4-3 base looks yesterday, but saw at least one.. thing is 3-4 or 4-3 doesn't change what you are looking for out of a player as much as we as fans like to think.. most people in football understand that the only difference is alignment.. most of your 3-4 looks in this league are thanks to Pete Carroll via monte kiffen (who mostly runs a 4-3 and is also responsible for the Tampa 2). basically what I'm saying is it's the same shit just your guys line up shifted.. research monte kiffen and the 4-3 under.. literally your 3 linebackers shift one way n your 4 dlineman shift the other way.. the wlb (dj) is closer to the middle with the mike (rags) while the slb (we used 50 here this year) shifts out n down to the line. This gives you the look people think of as a 3-4 with essentially 5 men on the los with 2 backers.. also looks identical to what some people call the 5-2.. most teams in the league these days are multiple enough to change up the looks you just can't tell as much because most teams play base d less then half of the time because of the 3 wr sets most teams go to nickel. Changing our scheme isn't the problem.. maybe the play caller n add to the personnel, but there is nothing wrong with our scheme. Same scheme that we have ran since Sutton got here., this is the first year you could call bad on defense. There are so many moving parts packages, alignments, that I feel like this year bob just like Andy over thought themselves at times in play calling.

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Our new DC is gonna employ whatever scheme he is comfortable with. I will say Reids best defenses were in Philly with a 4 man front and JJ calling plays as a DC.

And it absolutely IS the scheme as well as the personnel. Sutton asks Houston to cover TEs, backs and sit down and contain the edge on nearly half his snaps. He also loves dropping 7 and even 8 men into coverage and relying on his fronts alone to get pressure. He refuses to adjust and bring more pressure to make QBs uncomfortable. Thats not formation, its scheme, and his sucks.

So whether we stay 34 or switch to 43 we need a much more innovative and aggressive playcaller at DC.

yeah dropping Houston and rushing Zombo... not very good scheme
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They lined up like this for a lot of the 4-3 front looks....


--------Dj.-----------Rags.------------ Houston

---K pass.-----Jones.-----Logan.-----Bailey.


Well they used zombo, but f that I say kpass... our 3-4 front looks we're what we are use to seeing..



Kpass.---Jones.---- Logan.---Bailey.----Houston

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Zombo was never meant to be a starter for us.. he was here to be a safety net n a 4 core st guy.. his versatility and veteran knowledge of the scheme has kept him in town (well that and our lack of bringing anything more than developmental players at the position), but he only saw the field with the starting d because unfortunately Hali was but a shell of his former self and ford cant stay healthy. Hopefully kpass, dadi, and or draft/ fa can stock the cupboard.

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and yet we kept running him out there. Kpass didn't see shit yesterday. Why not

I was just about to say. Why wouldn't you run 95% of the time to left side with AP LT Taylor Lewan mauling Zombo on every play. If you're TN that's a no brainer. Ford was demolished last year as well. It's merely a slap in the face.

On the other hand goes to show you what a real franchise LT can do.

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and yet we kept running him out there. Kpass didn't see shit yesterday. Why not

I think the coaches still view kpass as too green for the high stakes playoff game. Zombo is average at best in all categories, but I feel like they felt more comfortable about the consistency level with zombo. I would have at least liked to see kpass get some sub package rush end opportunities.

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I think the coaches still view kpass as too green for the high stakes playoff game. Zombo is average at best in all categories, but I feel like they felt more comfortable about the consistency level with zombo. I would have at least liked to see kpass get some sub package rush end opportunities.

I would have liked to see knifing run blitzes towards TN's left side. Force them to go right and heck even THROW the Ball. Useless Father Time had no talent but failed to stop a gashing wound which bursted up against Pitt last year.

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