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IF Pat was on the field yesterday

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Even with just one game under his belt, does anyone in their right mind think we would have scored zero points in that second half yesterday? I saw enough at Denver to understand that the kid can do things that only a few QB's can do. There's no way in hell he doesn't get us to the redzone on a few occasions if he was on the field in that second half imo. 


And I guess this is the hope we can hold on to. If Pat is what we all hope he is, then I have no doubt that playoff wins are in our future. And hell, maybe even more than that too.

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Hunt ran the ball 11 times for 46 yards. Feed him another 10-12 carries and I believe we wouldn't even be discussing this right now. 18 point lead and you quit running the ball. C'mon MAN!!!!!

While I completely agree with you, Mahomes opens up lanes for Hunt just by being there. Tennessee would have been gashed.

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Do I think that Mahomes unleashed (but still young, inexperienced, and smaller playbook) would win with an 18 point lead? Yes. With Andy Reid putting handcuffs on him, probably but not guaranteed. I know Andy Reid did not decide to check down when Smith did, but I do think a better called game Smith would've won as well.


But I generally don't like hypotheticals when it comes to whole games because we don't know whether Mahomes would get a pick six our first drive. I don't presume he would, but we don't know. Different games call for different game plans. Tennessee would defend us differently as well.

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Even with just one game under his belt, does anyone in their right mind think we would have scored zero points in that second half yesterday? I saw enough at Denver to understand that the kid can do things not only a few QB's can do. There's no way he doesn't get us to the redzone on a few occasions if he was on the field in that second half imo.


And I guess this is the hope we can hold on to. If Pat is what we all hope he is, then I have no doubt that playoff wins our in our future. And hell, maybe even more than that too.

Hard to say. Highly unlikely he plays as well as Alex in the first half and likewise highly unlikely we are shut down in the second. Probably would have thrown a pick or two.

On point though this game is a microcosm of Alex Smith. When our offense is firing on all cylinders, Alex is a damn good QB. But when he lost his safety valve in Kelce the whole thing went to crap. He’s just not a QB who can consistently be productive because adversity can often kill his game. We saw Mahomes flash the ability to raise the players around his game up rather than it being them raising Alex’s game. If that makes sense.

There’s a huge difference when it comes to consistently competing in January.

Now can Mahomes first become the game manager necessary to capitalize on this unique skill. Time will tell. But Alex was the right guy to start last night because he clearly grasps that part of it well.

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The Chiefs had 4 possessions in the 2nd half one coming off a muffed punt inside the TN 30. They did little damage and went 3 and out 2 straight times. Does Mahummus bring a certain air of confidence that Alex can't bring? Sure he does. The question is who copes better with Kelce being out...Alex or Mahomes?

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The Chiefs had 4 possessions in the 2nd half one coming off a muffed punt inside the TN 30. They did little damage and went 3 and out 2 straight times. Does Mahummus bring a certain air of confidence that Alex can't bring? Sure he does. The question is who copes better with Kelce being out...Alex or Mahomes?


I think we saw the answer to that last week buddy :D .

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I think Mahomes would’ve turned the football over against a good defense.

And I would have been fine with that. I'd rather lose on a pick then turtling up into a shell. There comes a point in the game where a play needs to be made. No more 3rd down scurries with a face plant.

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And I would have been fine with that. I'd rather lose on a pick then turtling up into a shell. There comes a point in the game where a play needs to be made. No more 3rd down scurries with a face plant.

But would we rather lose throwing a pick than win at the last second defense? I totally agree that we turtled up and I give blame to Reid and Smith and bad hands, but we can't act like we are choosing between two results. They chose between two methods and they chose wrong because if the drops. We are talking about so many what if's and that includes catching a slightly behind ball on third down and that includes Harris catching a circus catch (for him) instead of our third string tight end dropping it.


And even then, if we convert that first down, we still could've fumbled or thrown an interception on the next play. We don't know.

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It seems we criticize Smith for what he has yet to do and praise Mahomes for what he has yet to do. I think only the former is appropriate. Mahomes has not won or lost a playoff game yet, no matter what we anticipate from him.


Mahomes has more talent and potential, and I know we are only talking about hypotheticals. I'm not going praise him for it yet, just hope. We have plenty of time for that in the next decade.

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It seems we criticize Smith for what he has yet to do and praise Mahomes for what he has yet to do. I think only the former is appropriate. Mahomes has not won or lost a playoff game yet, no matter what we anticipate from him.


Mahomes has more talent and potential, and I know we are only talking about hypotheticals. I'm not going praise him for it yet, just hope. We have plenty of time for that in the next decade.

This is really what we are aspiring for rather than anything he’s proven. Because clearly he’s proven next to nothing so far. When you invest as heavily as we did in Mahomes and already have at worst a solid QB on the roster, it’s for this reason. We need a catalyst to elevate the play of everyone around him and make plays at critical times.


As I’ve said several times today I think Alex needs those around him to play well to elevate his game. Where as the elite QBs in this league elevate the players around them. There’s a difference that’s especially noticeable when facing adversity at critical times.

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