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Funny Andy Reid Parady...

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can someone someone tell me a coach's name who's strength was "clock management''?.. He maybe be average or slightly above on all things but by god his clock management kicks fucking ass kinda strength?

I don't know how much is Belicheck vs Brady, but the Pats are outstanding at managing the clock. Of course Belicheck has other strengths also. But they squeeze every second out of every half when they need to.

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I don't know how much is Belicheck vs Brady, but the Pats are outstanding at managing the clock. Of course Belicheck has other strengths also. But they squeeze every second out of every half when they need to.


 I'd wager on the clock management being mostly Brady..and if you're fall back is to compare everything to  arguably the greatest Coach/QB duo  thats laughable and you will forever be complaining


 I remember Marv Levy being scrutinized, Marty. George Allen. I lived in Dallas during the Landry years..big Plowboy fans. Landry was deaf , dumb and blind when they didn't win the SB much less playoff games.


point is the clock management argument is lame its like arueing that $20 Gold pieces  dont fallout of the sky on a regular basis or when needed..


 I will say this the whining certainly has gotten worse ya all act as if you never saw this loss coming so now have to blame everything and when you have dug up everything clock management is always something to pile on. laughably pathetic

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All I have ever blamed is poor play and poor officiating. And they both played a role in the outcome. But I do believe that Reid is not exactly great at clock management.


And we shouldn't have lost the game. And we shouldn't have expected to lose going into it. I know it's popular to be down on the Chiefs and act like we can't win a playoff game, but we absolutely should not have lost this game. Past history has dick to do with it. We were the better team coming into the game and we had them at home. This wasn't like the Steelers the year before. They limped into the playoffs from a really sorry division. Andy Reid is at the head of the ship, and if you didn't expect he could win this game then you should be calling for his head. There are few playoff games more winnable than this one was.

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