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Is Clark Hunt the Problem?

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At some point, Andy Reid has to set aside his ego for the sake of the Chiefs. Philadelphia kicked Reid to the curb for virtually the same issues us Chiefs fans are witnessing. Each and every season Reid does the same thing, have a solid regular season and show up out-coached every time.


What makes things even more maddening is Reid's egotistical attitude towards these big losses. He'll never admit that he has no business calling plays. The NFL isn't the same NFL as it was when Reid was in Philadelphia. The NFL is evolving and really needs a fresh new face that is capable of adjusting to the new era. Reid is so easy to scheme against and stop. Even when Reid leads the Chiefs to a hot start, after half-time, the Defenses make the necessary adjustments to get back into the game. Most coaches are smart enough to adjust to the D's adjustments, keeping the opposition in check.


Losing Matt Nagy sucks. Nagy has had a long friendship/relationship with GM Brett Veach, dating as far back as when they played together; Nagy at QB and Veach at WR. Not to mention, Nagy is just a better scheme and play-caller than Reid.


If Clark Hunt had any balls whatsoever, he would have either moved Reid to the Front Office or just released altogether. Then elevate Nagy to Head Coach and replace Bob Sutton with another D-Coordinator that like Nagy, is hip to how the NFL is evolving.


The bottomline is that Andy Reid is far too comfortable in his role and knows that he calls the shots, and won't be removed anytime soon. Reid is always confident, so much so it screams huge ego. Until Clark Hunt can stand up to Andy Reid, us Chiefs fans will just have to endure this tenure of Andy Reid.

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We need Reid to develop Mahomes. Give him two or three years with Mahomes under his belt and watch how this offense transforms. Frankly, I wouldn't want anyone else to mentor and groom him. He's going to figure it out regardless.  Reid wants a SB as badly as this franchise, city, and fans want it.

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We’ve made many organizational and expensive changes with Clark Hunt who tries to bring in the very best people available and let’s them do their thing. He’s helped build a stable consistent winner and at the same time clearly had some input into finally investing big at the games most important position. We’ve got an elite QB prospect for the first time in many decades. If our coaching staff can turn him into an elite player, it’s problem solved period.

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At some point, Andy Reid has to set aside his ego for the sake of the Chiefs. Philadelphia kicked Reid to the curb for virtually the same issues us Chiefs fans are witnessing. Each and every season Reid does the same thing, have a solid regular season and show up out-coached every time.


What makes things even more maddening is Reid's egotistical attitude towards these big losses. He'll never admit that he has no business calling plays. The NFL isn't the same NFL as it was when Reid was in Philadelphia. The NFL is evolving and really needs a fresh new face that is capable of adjusting to the new era. Reid is so easy to scheme against and stop. Even when Reid leads the Chiefs to a hot start, after half-time, the Defenses make the necessary adjustments to get back into the game. Most coaches are smart enough to adjust to the D's adjustments, keeping the opposition in check.


Losing Matt Nagy sucks. Nagy has had a long friendship/relationship with GM Brett Veach, dating as far back as when they played together; Nagy at QB and Veach at WR. Not to mention, Nagy is just a better scheme and play-caller than Reid.


If Clark Hunt had any balls whatsoever, he would have either moved Reid to the Front Office or just released altogether. Then elevate Nagy to Head Coach and replace Bob Sutton with another D-Coordinator that like Nagy, is hip to how the NFL is evolving.


The bottomline is that Andy Reid is far too comfortable in his role and knows that he calls the shots, and won't be removed anytime soon. Reid is always confident, so much so it screams huge ego. Until Clark Hunt can stand up to Andy Reid, us Chiefs fans will just have to endure this tenure of Andy Reid.

Good post!

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All of clarks moves so far have shown us that he isn't too stubborn to consult with trusted football minds to identify the top guy for the job. Once said guy is identified he will waste no time and spare no expense getting his guy under contract. He has done nothing but right by this organization. In Clark I trust.. lol is Clark the problem? Come on man!

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Take emotion and personal feelings out of it.


If someone on the Presidents staff does something illegal or inappropriate, does it not reflect on the President?

If the CFO of a company embezzles shareholders money doesn't the CEO or president of the company get flack?

If a law firm has a legal aid or assistant, what ever their called, makes a critical error does it not come back on the head hancho of the firm?


I believe the point is, Hunt is the big daddy rabbit and is ultimately responsible for team. He for all practical purposes hires the head coach and GM. If they don't produce or improve from year to year (injuries and non forseen issues don't count) shouldn't the owner step in and do something about it? If he doesn't then is he really doing his best?


Just curious, again take your personal feelings for the Hunts out of the equation and look at it like a business. Think if you were the owner what would you do with this team.


Personally I like the Hunt family and know they have done a lot but sometimes I think it's too personal with them.

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Maybe the worst play call in that situation possible. I was flat dumbfounded while watching it unfold.. even if I take the trip to bizarro land and entertain its a good call there should have been no read in that play.. maybe just maybe if it's a quick pitch hunt beats contain for the first, but against that 9 man front it's a big if.. no way the read option should have been a part of that play. Takes too much time because your read is a reaction from an unblocked defender, and smith certainly wasn't going to be able to find a seam to squirt through wth their entire d in the box.. it perplexes me because we know what can happen when teams load the box on 3rd and short and can't allocate the bodies to give respect to hill. If you are gunna check to a play when there is a 9 man front doesn't it make more sense to pass. Feels odd complaining about a run that should have been a pass when our we only rushed our league leading back 11 times. If you run against a 9 man front it has to be fast developing and either quick to the outside or right into the teeth up the gut.

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I like most of Hunt's actions ever since he took over. He simply cut ties with CP who wasn't working out and signed the hottest GM candidate as well as the hottest HC candidate on the market in Pioli and Haley. These were all great moves. When it turned out like it did he took action yet again and switched to a whole new system based on drafting and grooming own guys. He seems to take action whenever needed and most people tend to agree with his moves therefore I don't think he's doing a bad job. 

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Is Clark Hunt the one who audibled to a QB option on 3rd and 1 against a Bear 9-Man front?



Not talking about on field play or coaching decisions. Talking about who put those individuals in thos positions.


Did Nixon break into Watergate?

Did Hitler gas the Jews?

Did Jack Del Rio drop umpteen passes?


Nobody is saying DIRECTLY Hunt is responsible for the ineptitude of this team but he is INDIRECTLY responsible by hiring those DIRECTLY responsible and then not forcing change when change is needed.

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I like most of Hunt's actions ever since he took over. He simply cut ties with CP who wasn't working out and signed the hottest GM candidate as well as the hottest HC candidate on the market in Pioli and Haley. These were all great moves. When it turned out like it did he took action yet again and switched to a whole new system based on drafting and grooming own guys. He seems to take action whenever needed and most people tend to agree with his moves therefore I don't think he's doing a bad job.

If he makes the tough calls now then all is good. If he allows Andy to keep Sutton and not relinquish play calling as well as other perceived issues then he IS part of the problem.
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If he makes the tough calls now then all is good. If he allows Andy to keep Sutton and not relinquish play calling as well as other perceived issues then he IS part of the problem.


I think this offseason will be a good challenge for Hunt. He can simply give all the reigns to Reid or take responsibility. We'll see how he handles the situation.

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Everyone should probably consider that the problem is kinda small, frustrating though it is. We've won two straight division titles. 53 games in 5 years. Playoffs 4 out of the past 5 years. Lost a 1 point game and a 2 point game in the past two playoff appearances. It's irritating, but it's not like Hunt is raping the fan base. He's been a good owner.

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