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An open letter to Kansas City Chiefs fans

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Interesting read..   

This Broncos fan reflects on the Chiefs and feels his heart grow 3 sizes.

Oh, the sweet, sweet nectar of schadenfreude. How I love you so.

I loved it written all over the face of Marty Schottenheimer for decades. I loved watching every second of the 14 - 10 masterpiece in 1997 when our beloved Denver Broncos put the #1 seed Kansas City Chiefs in the dirt on their way to their first Super Bowl victory.

And I’m really starting to groove on Andy Reid in Kansas City. He’s brought another angle to the levity that is the Kansas City chiefs’ fans pathetic bravado.

Even this year we’re getting chirps about losing 5 in a row in the regular season.

Normally, I mostly ignore the chef fans. Why? Because they aren’t worth our time.

But this week’s loss to the Tennessee friggin Titans has ignited a spark of warmth deep down inside for our football brothers and sisters lost and alone in the midwest left stranded with nothing but more of “what could have been” after their team has (in record crushing fashion) squandered away yet another shot at postseason glory.

So I’m going to allow that warmth to grow a bit and share some good ‘ole fashioned No Bull thoughts with our division rival’s fans.

1: Championships matter

Let’s get the trash talk No Bull stuff out of the way: Until your team wins an actual Super Bowl, nothing you say matters to pretty much anyone in Broncos Country with half a brain. The regular season success you have? It is empty. Your team could beat ours for 20 straight regular season games and I’d say, “So what!?”

That’s just the way it is. We have 3 sweet, glorious championships in our trophy case in Dove Valley. There are many of us in Broncos Country that were alive to witness those wins and cherish the memories of what it is like to unequivocally be the best team in the NFL.

Most of your fan base weren’t even a twinkle in their Momma’s eyes when your team won their one and only championship in an era when players had a beer and smoked half a pack at half time.

You want to come sit at the table with the Broncos, 49ersCowboysSteelersPackersGiants, and *Patriots? You need to achieve something first.

2: The problem starts up top

This much losing when it counts the most points one direction: up. It isn’t Alex Smith. It isn’t Andy Reid. It isn’t the refs. It isn’t Bob Sutton.

You want to know really where the problem is? Look to your owner, Clark Hunt.

If he really wants your team to achieve greatness, he has to start expecting it.

All the dominos fall in place after that.

If that expectation is set, either Reid leaves (win for your fans) or he works harder (win for your fans).

If that expectation is set, the Bob Suttons of the world won’t be employed in red and orange this time next year.

If that expectation is set, Alex Smith doesn’t stick around in mediocrity for years being a primary on the field factor to your team’s hapless recent history in the playoffs.

I’ve read tons of comments by Chiefs fans lamenting so many factors, but very few actually calling out the ownership of the team.

3: Andy Reid is not the answer

I do love what I’ve seen from Patrick Mahomes, but even a young stud QB who grows into a real franchise guy isn’t going to overcome the derptitude of one of the most inept post-season coaches to ever take the field.

Reid is spectacularly awful at anything to do with inspiring the team to play dominating post season football with an attitude.

And if you haven’t caught on yet, moxie in the playoffs is a big deal. You can’t have your coach tip-toeing through game after post-season game trying not to lose. It is a well known recipe at this point and no amount of finding the best personnel in the NFL is going to top how completely Andy Reid smothers any semblance of attitude his team might have when the going gets tough in the biggest moments.

4: Question the heart of every one of your players

There may have been some heart, somewhere on the sideline of the Chiefs this past Saturday, but if so, I didn’t see it. Along with a new head coach, your team needs a leadership attitude enima in the worst way.

Where was a DeMarcus Ware confidently keeping the defense dialed in? Where was the QB rallying the offense to step up and execute?

It almost looks like the Chiefs look solely to Andy Reid as their leader and as he goes, so do they.

Your team needs some fiery leaders...just one or two to help row the boat.

5: Your voices make a difference

If you really want your team to make progress, you have to be heard and you can.

Stop filling up the stadium for this crap product Clark Hunt keeps trotting out. Don’t tweet. Don’t email. Don’t send letters.

The ONE singular thing you can do to get the attention of the Kansas City Chiefs is to stop buying tickets. The one place they make profits directly off of is the stadium. Organize and make your voice heard. If you can just get 10% of the fans to stop showing up, the organization will take notice.

Final No Bull Thoughts

Seriously, the playoff losses of your team brings me priceless untold lengths of joy that you would never begin to be able to understand. Honestly, never change. Keep talking trash every offseason about how the Chiefs are going to win the AFC West.

‘Cause even when they do, I know that I know it is going to lead to an event so exuberant that I completely forget we just had a 5 - 11 season.



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What do you think a bitter Broncos fan after 5 straight losses to the Chiefs is going to say. You really think if his “advice” to us is not totally disingenuous and said out of spite?

We’ve got a far better coach and two better QBs than anyone they’ve got. We’re also younger. He’d trade places with us in a heartbeat.

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Way to long but shows their fans are worried about us, Mahomes has them scared the same reason he has us excited

Yep. You don’t go off on some long tangent to an opposing fan base unless their team has gotten under your skin.

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Way to long but shows their fans are worried about us, Mahomes has them scared the same reason he has us excited

Well, worried for the long term. We beat them with Smith and so Mahomes isn't going to do any better than beating them next year. He did it this year and he did it better, but a loss is a loss is a loss. He shouldn't be worried about next year. They would lose to anyone anyway.


But worried about long-term? Yes. He has a longer future here. And that does not bode well for the Broncos.

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Ouch, what an asshole.  F that guy.


It's the truth though, the Chiefs have failed way too many times in the playoffs.


If I was a Broncos' fan, I would run my mouth too because let's face it, they catch every break imaginable they need to be relevant.


I'd run my mouth about having to deal with Mahomes for the next 10 years, but based on history, it's way more likely Mahomes will suck and the next QB Denver drafts will be the next John Elway.

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Every word of what he said is true. Every word. I dont know why any of you would be offended by this. I love the Chiefs with every fiber of my being, but this letter hit it on the head.


I don't, it's dumb and just rambling


1, That's more to jock themselves but its stating the obvious that we need to win SB's (duh, this poster must be like really smart)

2, I love the you should change the owner but provide no solution.  Clark doesn't cheap out which was a past issue, he goes and gets the hottest names out there and if they don't work what is he supposed to do.  He got the top GM at the time in Pioli, he got a hot up and coming coach in Haley at the time, he got a veteran top coach in Reid and a GM from a veteran organization in Dorsey.  What the F is he supposed to do, fire everyone every 2-3 years and hope that provides stability?

3, Reid isn't the answer if he continues doing what he does, but if the guy gives up play calling and hired a 12 year old to manage the clock that fixes the majority of his issues.  The guy still has a master game plan going in, innovative offense that people are copying and had a top offense with Alex freaking Smith.

4, The heart of our team is Berry and he's not in there but I do agree that we need more.  Maybe Mahomes is that guy on offense

5, Stupid, I guarantee with a crapshow in a coach and terrible qb's in Siemien, Brock, Lynch or whatever loser they put out there they aren't going to quit going to donkey games so easier said than done (and also unrealistic).

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I don't, it's dumb and just rambling


1, That's more to jock themselves but its stating the obvious that we need to win SB's (duh, this poster must be like really smart)

2, I love the you should change the owner but provide no solution.  Clark doesn't cheap out which was a past issue, he goes and gets the hottest names out there and if they don't work what is he supposed to do.  He got the top GM at the time in Pioli, he got a hot up and coming coach in Haley at the time, he got a veteran top coach in Reid and a GM from a veteran organization in Dorsey.  What the F is he supposed to do, fire everyone every 2-3 years and hope that provides stability?

3, Reid isn't the answer if he continues doing what he does, but if the guy gives up play calling and hired a 12 year old to manage the clock that fixes the majority of his issues.  The guy still has a master game plan going in, innovative offense that people are copying and had a top offense with Alex freaking Smith.

4, The heart of our team is Berry and he's not in there but I do agree that we need more.  Maybe Mahomes is that guy on offense

5, Stupid, I guarantee with a crapshow in a coach and terrible qb's in Siemien, Brock, Lynch or whatever loser they put out there they aren't going to quit going to donkey games so easier said than done (and also unrealistic).

He didnt say we should change owners. He said if Hunt wants greatness he should start expecting it.

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Ouch, what an asshole. F that guy.


It's the truth though, the Chiefs have failed way too many times in the playoffs.


If I was a Broncos' fan, I would run my mouth too because let's face it, they catch every break imaginable they need to be relevant.


I'd run my mouth about having to deal with Mahomes for the next 10 years, but based on history, it's way more likely Mahomes will suck and the next QB Denver drafts will be the next John Elway.

They have done shit with drafted qbs. Lynch, Simien, Tebow, Osweiler etc. Elway has been sucking it up a lot and if it wass not for Manning they would have been even worse.

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Half truths n full lies, didnt expect a fn donkey fan to be capable of stringing together so many sentences on one subject. Truly a classless fan base. I understand they win the championship argument, but boy does it feel good knowing our head coach has our divisions number.. winning the Super Bowl might be the only thing that could make me feel better than I do when we stomp afcw teams twice a year.

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They have done shit with drafted qbs. Lynch, Simien, Tebow, Osweiler etc. Elway has been sucking it up a lot and if it wass not for Manning they would have been even worse.


I know, I know, but somehow Denver always comes out smelling like a rose.  I mean they won the Super Bowl in 2015 with like a -10 turnover margin during the regular season.

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What do you think a bitter Broncos fan after 5 straight losses to the Chiefs is going to say. You really think if his “advice” to us is not totally disingenuous and said out of spite?

We’ve got a far better coach and two better QBs than anyone they’ve got. We’re also younger. He’d trade places with us in a heartbeat.

 i'm guessing you missed this part


"1: Championships matter

Let’s get the trash talk No Bull stuff out of the way: Until your team wins an actual Super Bowl, nothing you say matters to pretty much anyone in Broncos Country with half a brain. The regular season success you have? It is empty. Your team could beat ours for 20 straight regular season games and I’d say, “So what!?”

That’s just the way it is. We have 3 sweet, glorious championships in our trophy case in Dove Valley."

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 i'm guessing you missed this part


"1: Championships matter

Let’s get the trash talk No Bull stuff out of the way: Until your team wins an actual Super Bowl, nothing you say matters to pretty much anyone in Broncos Country with half a brain. The regular season success you have? It is empty. Your team could beat ours for 20 straight regular season games and I’d say, “So what!?”

That’s just the way it is. We have 3 sweet, glorious championships in our trophy case in Dove Valley."


I laugh when I see/hear fans legitimately bragging about that or AFC west titles.  


Yeah...   great... I'm gonna need you to work on Saturday.... Oh, and Here's your participation trophy...

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Way to long but shows their fans are worried about us, Mahomes has them scared the same reason he has us excited


ROFLMAO- didnt you read the part "I do love what I’ve seen from Patrick Mahomes, but even a young stud QB who grows into a real franchise guy isn’t going to overcome the derptitude of one of the most inept post-season coaches to ever take the field."

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ROFLMAO- didnt you read the part "I do love what I’ve seen from Patrick Mahomes, but even a young stud QB who grows into a real franchise guy isn’t going to overcome the derptitude of one of the most inept post-season coaches to ever take the field."


Get up off the ground and real a little further down in the thread ricky

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ROFLMAO- didnt you read the part "I do love what I’ve seen from Patrick Mahomes, but even a young stud QB who grows into a real franchise guy isn’t going to overcome the derptitude of one of the most inept post-season coaches to ever take the field."


We've never had a franchise QB so that statement is way off base.


We're not lucky like the Ravens and fall ass backwards into Super Bowls because of defense or whatever the reason was for you winning in 2012.

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We've never had a franchise QB so that statement is way off base.


We're not lucky like the Ravens and fall ass backwards into Super Bowls because of defense or whatever the reason was for you winning in 2012.


Bawahahahahahahahaha.........keep 'em coming.....this is funny

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Bawahahahahahahahaha.........keep 'em coming.....this is funny


so what was the 2012 Ravens team so great at that carried them to a Super Bowl? 


16th in total offense, 17th in total defense.


Needed a miracle hail mary TD to beat Denver.


Im missing where luck wasn't involved here.


Oh well, I really don't care.

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Maybe you should get out of bed, go to work and toughen up sunshine....its not the end of the world. Your team lost.


Man up.


getting a little sensitive there ricky, I was pointing out I addressed the Reid and Mahomes comment later in the thread.  calm down there donk

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getting a little sensitive there ricky, I was pointing out I addressed the Reid and Mahomes comment later in the thread.  calm down there donk


hey now, his Ravens have 2 Super Bowls, how dare you talk back to him.

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so what was the 2012 Ravens team so great at that carried them to a Super Bowl? 


16th in total offense, 17th in total defense.


Needed a miracle hail mary TD to beat Denver.


Im missing where luck wasn't involved here.


Oh well, I really don't care.


That looks like a balanced team.


The Mile High Miracle only tied the game- they played two overtimes before Tucker won it on FG

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