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When will this Sutton thing be sorted?

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I look around and see other teams making moves for new DC's whilst we sit around and fiddle our thumbs. What the f#ck is going on with Bob Sutton? Is Andy really gonna keep the same old faces on that coaching staff who have been an utter disgrace over the last year? Fangio, Pettine and Bradley are all seemingly on the market, yet not a word about the Chiefs being interested yet. 


If Andy refuses to let the man go after the Colts and Titan's disasters, then I think it should be win or bust for him next season. Either get to the Superbowl, or get the f#ck out of KC. It's as simple as that. If he insists on sticking with the status quo, then there should be consequences if he fails to get the job done. 

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there's really no rush to this. 


Between the NFL and NCAA, there's hundreds of coaches they can evaluate and bring on as a new DC.


The worry is if we fire Bob too late then the best candidates will already be gone. The three I named in the OP, for example, are all being chased by the likes of the Packers and Seahawks according to reports.

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The worry is if we fire Bob too late then the best candidates will already be gone. The three I named in the OP, for example, are all being chased by the likes of the Packers and Seahawks according to reports.


I understand, they're just the most mentioned candidates is all.  It doesn't mean they're the best.  Plus, those team's season has been over for weeks now, they've had a head start from where KC is today.


Reid and Hunt are probably sorting all this out this week.   Once they make a decision, they'll then go after who they want.


It's a hard decision because it would include trying to decide what scheme is best for the talent we have or if personnel has to change drastically.

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We dont have an offensive coordinator right now. Does that mean we just wont have one next year? I mean Reid hasn't made a move yet so he must not be going to...


Get a grip people.

I personally don’t think he’ll fire Sutton no matter the timeline. With every passing day the odds increase that he’ll be retained. I don’t think that’s really a stretch.

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I personally don’t think he’ll fire Sutton no matter the timeline. With every passing day the odds increase that he’ll be retained. I don’t think that’s really a stretch.

Shut your word hole Moon. Im telling myself anything I can to believe Reid cant be this blind and loyal. You are trying to ruin it.

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Spagnuola would be a great hire and has to be on Andy's radar. He's still under contract with the Giants though until they pick a new coach. I'd say it's about 50-50 Sutton is fired based on who's available. I like Sutton much more than most. But he should be fired. 

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I get the frustration, but for those of you with all this hate for Andy, man your more blind than you accuse him of being. Hard to keep the drive alive when your qb refuses to throw the ball to open targets in big situations. N those gimmicky plays that hurt us this year (the hill pass and the Kielce pass), yeah if those plays are executed correctly the fans are singing his praises for being a genius mad scientist like they have most of his career. Kc fans have been let down so many times that we way over react especially when we lack knowledge of tangible football situations. Andy has been way better for this team than his perceived flaws. I pray we don't loose Andy, cuz then all you lazy boy gms might get a real reminder of just how bad a team can get.

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Read through this thread. Sutton defense summed up.

This sort of crap combined with having Houston out in coverage a large # of times drove me nuts all season.


I thought I recalled reading somewhere that Sutton’s contract was up after 2017. Please, for the love of god let us getaway from Sutton as our DC.

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I get the frustration, but for those of you with all this hate for Andy, man your more blind than you accuse him of being. Hard to keep the drive alive when your qb refuses to throw the ball to open targets in big situations. N those gimmicky plays that hurt us this year (the hill pass and the Kielce pass), yeah if those plays are executed correctly the fans are singing his praises for being a genius mad scientist like they have most of his career. Kc fans have been let down so many times that we way over react especially when we lack knowledge of tangible football situations. Andy has been way better for this team than his perceived flaws. I pray we don't loose Andy, cuz then all you lazy boy gms might get a real reminder of just how bad a team can get.



trust me, having been a fan for over 50 years a lot of us here don't need any reminders

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trust me, having been a fan for over 50 years a lot of us here don't need any reminders

I agree, but obviously with all the Reid hate flowing around as of late there are plenty here that could use a dose of reality. There's maybe 5 organizations out there that wouldn't jump if Andy were to come available. We are very fortunate to have him leading this team.

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I agree, but obviously with all the Reid hate flowing around as of late there are plenty here that could use a dose of reality. There's maybe 5 organizations out there that wouldn't jump if Andy were to come available. We are very fortunate to have him leading this team.


He has turned this franchise around and he is a good coach.  However, we don't play to just be good enough.  We play to win the Super Bowl and losing to a pathetic anemic team like the Tennessee Titans up 21-3 at half is inexcusable.  When your losing in record fashion to teams that aren't even making the SB and you say the same drivel every post game and make the same mistakes over and over and over and over then you set yourself up for this kind of reaction.   We didn't lose to the NE Patriots by a last second TD by Tom Brady we couldn't stop Derrick Henry on 3rd and 10 because our D coordinator can't figure out his personnel groupings.  The same guy he apparently wants to keep around for another season of average.   


He gets to own this and to be honest I'd rather be winning 4 games and know we are struggling than win an ugly 10 games and get completely and utterly embarrassed in the playoffs.    


This loss ripped fans hearts out.   Total ineptness from the coaching staff, complete and utter ineptness.   And no fight or passion or voice from our players.   If most of us arm chair qb's can see these things then you know those players can during film study.   Why isn't anyone calling that crap out.    Our organization just doesn't care, they are making money and getting to the playoffs.   They all pass the blame because everyone knows there is no accountability.


Our only hope is that Clark Hunt will have his evaluation and if Dorsey (who was a heck of a lot better at his job than Sutton has been at his) gets canned, then maybe just maybe we can shake some things up instead of pulling a deja vu Dick Vermiel/Greg Robinson moment.  Because had DV fired Greg when he should have there was a chance our D could have forced Peyton to punt maybe just once and we advance in the playoffs.  


So at this point I don't care if they fire/trade Andy Reid.   Because I don't think Andy Reid can lead this team to a SB.   I was holding out hope but this year sealed the deal for me.   Maybe next year will be different, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Remember when Andy was seen arguing with Sutton on the sidelines during a few games towards the end of the regular season? So I don't think Bob staying is certain at all. Was just reading THIS article about Jack Del Rio!!, man he's been a beast as a DC wherever he's gone and with him being an EX Chief, and his vast knowledge of the AFC West, I think he'd be a very interesting option.

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I don't believe for a second that this organization under Andy doesn't care, has no accountability, and can't win the big one. I think these are emotional overreactions from yet another chief let down. I feel your pain, however on these points we will have to agree to disagree.

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I don't believe for a second that this organization under Andy doesn't care, has no accountability, and can't win the big one. I think these are emotional overreactions from yet another chief let down. I feel your pain, however on these points we will have to agree to disagree.

The chiefs under Andy in the playoffs


2 epic meltdowns

Atrocious offense against Pitt and New England.


Fans do have the right to questions certain things.


Andy is a good head coach. When the pressure is on, I think it would do him some good to step back, delegate, and coach.

Instead of being enthralled with playcalling.


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