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Alex traded to Redskins!!!!

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If I'm Cleveland, I give him a massively front loaded contract in this year when they have great cap space, and tons of draft choices. Make it the type of contract Minn(I don't think Jax is in this because of the Bortles surgery) can't come close to matching. Blow him away. Sell him on their young talent, and that He can be a deity in Cleve if he turns that team around. I can understand Dorsey not wanting to commit long term to Alex, but Cousins is 4 years younger, and better. You can build long term around him, draft Barkley, draft Chubb, and suddenly you have a fairly loaded team. I don't know if Cousins has the confidence in himself to BE THE MAN, get massively paid, rather than go someplace like Minny where he's a missing piece. Denver's D isn't what it was 3 years ago, and I don't think that would be a place he can win at immediately, or long term. To me it's between Minny and Cleve, with The Jets as the next choice, Arizona next and then Denver. Should be interesting.

I agree with this.

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So if Elway signs Cousins, you’re not concerned? Because I sure will be.

Not particularly.


He's gonna ravage the amount of FA they can do, they still have a poor run game and a bad coach.


That's before saying Kirk Cousins isn't that great. If I were Denver, I'd gamble with Mayfield at 5 and use that 30 mil a year to load talent around him.

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So maybe there were reasons why the tree was an out so early.




If they franchise tag Cousins, we can't do the trade until he's gone and so if they did not announce it so early, maybe we would trade Smith somewhere else.


If Cousins doesn't sign the franchise tag for a long time, that would hurt us. But it would also hurt them as well. And it would hurt Cousins in prep time to wait.


If they trade Cousins somewhere that has a quarterback and a pick, they could replace Fuller and the third round pick that they gave us.


Teams could call their bluff and if they believe Cousins will sign with them and no one else, they won't. But if they think Cousins is unsure, but amenable to a long-term deal, they would act.


We won't back out of the deal because we want Fuller. Cap room, we would get no matter what. We could get a better draft pick elsewhere. But Fuller? Nowhere. Smith also wants the contract.

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They are trying to get something for him. If he can't be traded then they hold on until they cut him, which would reduce where he could go and teams would have spent cap money, drafted etc. Sure they risk getting no comp pick but I think it is worth trying. They will not back out because they will trade Cousins and keep Smith for afterwards

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So maybe there were reasons why the tree was an out so early.




If they franchise tag Cousins, we can't do the trade until he's gone and so if they did not announce it so early, maybe we would trade Smith somewhere else.


If Cousins doesn't sign the franchise tag for a long time, that would hurt us. But it would also hurt them as well. And it would hurt Cousins in prep time to wait.


If they trade Cousins somewhere that has a quarterback and a pick, they could replace Fuller and the third round pick that they gave us.


Teams could call their bluff and if they believe Cousins will sign with them and no one else, they won't. But if they think Cousins is unsure, but amenable to a long-term deal, they would act.


We won't back out of the deal because we want Fuller. Cap room, we would get no matter what. We could get a better draft pick elsewhere. But Fuller? Nowhere. Smith also wants the contract.

The Redskins can't back out.  If they do, Goodell should fine them millions, take millions off their cap next year, like he's done before, and give all their draft picks to us, along with their next several #1's.  

What a joke of an organization they are.  

If they do franchise Cousins, he should not cooperate with their lame attempt.  He can screw them in so many ways.  

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The problem with Cousins is that he wants to pick his own team so his agent is probably in some "off the record" talks with a few teams and whomever he doesn't want to play for could be giving up a pick to ensure the deal. I think Washington only tags him if they agree on a trade beforehand. Even though they have the cap space to absorb the blow I don't think they would want to prolong the whole mess. 

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They are trying to get something for him. If he can't be traded then they hold on until they cut him, which would reduce where he could go and teams would have spent cap money, drafted etc. Sure they risk getting no comp pick but I think it is worth trying. They will not back out because they will trade Cousins and keep Smith for afterwards

They will get a 3rd round comp in 2019.


No team is going to do a mega deal and mega trade for Cousins. The big appeal around him will be getting him without doing a trade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering why they didn't wait, and allow more of a bidding war, but upon further reflection, once they know Wash is in the QB market, they have some intel, which means Cousins is free, and once Cousins is free, the market for Alex is less for QB needy teams.  Not to mention Bridgewater, Bradford on the market as other vet QB's that will have a market, if their health checks out, and more known about the rookie QB class(which I don't particularly like, but that's another post).  So kudos to Veach for getting it done this early, before the market potentially collapses.    

AJ McCarron becoming an unrestricted Free Agent is more ammo for getting this done as early as they did.  Another guy on the market with no draft compensation, that would have lowered Alex's trade value.  Not that I think McCarron's much, but he is an Alex Smith type, and younger.  

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