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Marcus Peters trade?

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I’m not running from any question. By the ratings, Xavier Rhodes and Richard Sherman are two corners that have consistently played at a higher level than Marcus Peters. You could also throw guys like Casey Hayward into the mix. Peters has excelled in taking the football away, but has also been beaten badly in coverage.


The same Sherman the Seahawks want to trade? And no, Casey Hayward has not been elite for the last three years and there's a reason he was let go by the Packers In the first place. As for being "beaten", there's not a Cb out there who hasn't been beaten at some point. Infact, the guy you just named was completely embarrassed by Hill not that long ago, so it happens. 

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I’m not running from any question. By the ratings, Xavier Rhodes and Richard Sherman are two corners that have consistently played at a higher level than Marcus Peters. You could also throw guys like Casey Hayward into the mix. Peters has excelled in taking the football away, but has also been beaten badly in coverage.


what, 2-3 times a year he gives up a big play?  I posted the link earlier, PFF stated his passer rating allowed when targeted is like a 67.  It was tops in the league.  Your statement is an exaggeration. 


Giving up 5-10 yard catches when the DC has you 15 yards off the ball to begin with is not getting beaten badly in coverage.

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what, 2-3 times a year he gives up a big play?  I posted the link earlier, PFF stated his passer rating allowed when targeted is like a 67.  It was tops in the league.  Your statement is not factually true.


Giving up 5-10 yard catches when the DC has you 15 yards off the ball to begin with is not getting beaten badly in coverage.


 I have to wonder if the DB does not have some input on how far he plays off a WR and if its 3rd and  10 or 15 and he gets beat on that play I classify that has being beat + you throw in his lack of tackling skills.. its a concern is all I'm saying.


all that being said.. I'd rather have a squared away Peters with a good attitude on this team than someone els's 1rst rnd pick but his maturity  leaves the door open for speculation if that can or will happen 

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what, 2-3 times a year he gives up a big play?  I posted the link earlier, PFF stated his passer rating allowed when targeted is like a 67.  It was tops in the league.  Your statement is an exaggeration. 


Giving up 5-10 yard catches when the DC has you 15 yards off the ball to begin with is not getting beaten badly in coverage.



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Nobody has reported anything other than conjecture, backing it up with impossible-to-disprove statements like "Nobody is saying it COULDN'T happen."


Now we're saying Clark wasn't a fan of Marcus's antics last season? Well who was? Even Marcus acknowledged he went too far. That's far from initiating a trade. And one more thing, there shouldn't be anyone on the roster who is exempt from listening to offers for. That's hardly news.

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to be fair he would of come a lot cheaper had Dorsey been more proactive in signing him ..much the same with Berry.


That being said the Skepticism goes much further back than Houston's signing if one has been a fan for any length of time

This is where I am coming from. Guys who become top paid at a position that are not QBs are gambles for your greater salary cap health if they get hurt or decline. If you have a couple of those on your roster at the same time and both decline, you better have great cheap youth.

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Call me a one trip pony. I only beat this drum because people in this city try to act like race is not a factor in any of these conversations.about football or about our community. It is and you know it. Playing like it's not there is just as bad as me only talking about it. I did say dude could flat out play. How many people  complained about Marcus Peters and the National Anthem? Now you want to play like nothing happened. I am just putting the white elephant in the room out there. No offense to anyone. Just don't play me.



Maybe, maybe not. Me personally can give 2 shits about race. I think the national anthem protests are ridiculous. I also think the constant griping about it by those that oppose it, is ridiculous. I have friends of all races. I have friends in law enforcement. I'm married into a bi-racial family. I have adopted a bi-racial daughter. That said, I think Peters behaviors are worse then Kelce's. I don't think this has anything to do with race otherwise why would Clark Hunt sign off on the drafting of Tyreek Hill when domestic violence is such an issue and in the spot light as of late? He had the perfect reason not to allow Hill to be drafted if this were a race issue. Plain and simple. He had his "out" card and didn't use it. As for Kelce and Peters specifically. They both are passionate and dramatic on the field. They've both had penalties that we ALL have bitched about for both of them. The difference between the 2 players is in how Peters reacted to "authority". Authority being the NFL refs and grabbing their flag and tossing it, and authority being how he argues with coaches. That latter was an issue before he was drafted and it was something that he was suppose to have grown up and moved on from...but he didn't. He acted like the college kid that people were worried about and he did it with the Chiefs coaching staff. His behaviors have worsened from rookie to year 3...that should be somewhat concerning about him as a person.


That said, I don't think Peters should be traded based on what happened this season. I think he should be made aware that things need to change or he will be without a job in Kansas City.  I would expect that of any player in the NFL for that matter.

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In an era where throwing for 300 yards is the norm, you keep a guy like Peters.


19 INT’s since he was drafted. Next best in that time is 14. And that’s not counting for ed fumbles.


The most valuable thing a defense can do is give the ball back to the offense.


Even keeping Peters for 6 years on his deal+franchise tag is significantly valuable.

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I’m not running from any question. By the ratings, Xavier Rhodes and Richard Sherman are two corners that have consistently played at a higher level than Marcus Peters. You could also throw guys like Casey Hayward into the mix. Peters has excelled in taking the football away, but has also been beaten badly in coverage.



All players are going to get beat. Beaten badly or just beat is going to happen. Beaten is beaten. So as long as he continues to make big turn overs in big moments then the pros out weigh the cons with that regard. Same thing for a QB. If his TD to Int ratio is 2:1 or better, I can careless how many interceptions he throws because the good outweighs the bad. Unless he's Tony Romo...because that guy threw interceptions at the worst possible time...lol

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All players are going to get beat. Beaten badly or just beat is going to happen. Beaten is beaten. So as long as he continues to make big turn overs in big moments then the pros out weigh the cons with that regard. Same thing for a QB. If his TD to Int ratio is 2:1 or better, I can careless how many interceptions he throws because the good outweighs the bad. Unless he's Tony Romo...because that guy threw interceptions at the worst possible time...lol

Phillip Rivers as well. WAY too much bad risk. Alex had WAY to little good risk which left plays on the table.  Its risk reward and it applies to corners as well. Peters is elite at this. He will occasionally pay a price for being a ball hawk and trying to set QBs up, but he makes so many more big plays than he gives up relative to that risk that its clearly worth it. HIs skill level is worth a big pay day. His inability to control his emotions and general attitude is why this is an issue at all.  

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Well I guess there’s no point in rankings since everyone is essentially the same. Gimme a break.


PFF had him graded just below elite in that link you showed earlier.  It's one step down, who cares?


IDK who it had graded as elite, but there can't be more than 4-7 CBs better than him.


It's a complete mistake by the Chiefs to trade him away based on things like taking a knee for the national anthem.


I can understand it if it's for his attitude and behavior on the field.  However, the Chiefs would be very hard pressed to find a CB as good as Peters in the draft or in FA the next few years.

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what, 2-3 times a year he gives up a big play? I posted the link earlier, PFF stated his passer rating allowed when targeted is like a 67. It was tops in the league. Your statement is an exaggeration.


Giving up 5-10 yard catches when the DC has you 15 yards off the ball to begin with is not getting beaten badly in coverage.

Post PFFs CB rankings for 2017.

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Maybe this is Reid and front office are seeing Terrel Owens 2.0 and Reid has had enough of that type of constant seasonal drama, great player or not. Reid has been around a long time and seen it all, maybe he has a gut feeling about what the future holds with Peters. Time will tell. Reid has gone above and beyond with players from all walks and experiences, let's give the man credit in that department. He's not going to let a great player walk unless there's a damn good reason, Reid has earned the benefit of the doubt in this type of scenario over his career.

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When a guy gets suspended by Andy Reid (who I think has only done it twice in his career) for repeated on field issues and this is a guy that's going to command a gigantic contract in the near future; there's always going to be a chance that player could be traded. Or at the very least its going to fuel the rumors. This isn't very hard to figure out. 


To me though why not tell him he needs to prove he has matured if he wants to get paid here. And maybe he doesn't want to be here. I've got no clue. Im sticking with narrative this is Dale Carter 2. (of course Dale was a vicious tackler)  Way too talented to give away and way to early in the process to feel like we have too. IF, IF, he wants to get paid here let him know we will if he can prove he's maturing in 2018. Or maybe Andy is saying no way we can give this guy big money as we will never be able to control his ego.


This kid has been suspended at every level of football he's played at and he's also one of the best corners in football. There's nothing that would surprise me here. 

Isn't the last guy that Reid suspended in the HOF?

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Isn't the last guy that Reid suspended in the HOF?

He is. And even then the guy became so much of a distraction they suspended and eventually released him despite being in his prime. So Andy will do it if he thinks player is a cancer. But TO was so bad he was suspended four games and deactivated. Peters responded to his one game suspension by playing lights out and helping team win division title.

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