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Peters traded to the Rams, hollleeeee sh*t

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Can we please move this conversation to what it is?


Professionalism. The KC Chiefs have many different races that play for them. The majority exude the professionalism that is required of an NFL football player. Some go above and beyond and likely are thought of as leaders. Some ride the other end of the spectrum.


Since the polarizing prospect of this unprofessional attitude/actions has now been traded, to me, it puts Kelce squarely in the Crosshairs. Kelce has **seemingly** decided he'd rather be looked up to, than looked "at," and he may be able to change his stripes. Time will tell.


Speculation, of course, but Peters ran himself out of town, and likely on purpose. I'm completely guessing but by his suspension my thought is that Reid had had enough w/ Peters behavior. Again, this is completely professional only. I'm also speculating that when they sat him down (after the Jets game and deciding already he was no longer going to remain a Chief much longer) they told him if he minded his P's and Q's they would find him another team in the offseason.


I make an ASS out of U and ME, Peters wanted out from very early on. I don't believe there was anyone or anything that was going to change this. I also believe he is immature. Should you go to every available length to accommodate an obviously phenomenal player. Absolutely. Personally, they hit their limit.


For me, it's as simple as that. Whether that, in and of itself is a good thing on every level, is infinitely debateable.

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Kansas City Chiefs owner Clark Hunt said he would have “no hesitation” in signing embattled quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has yet to sign with a team following a season in which he kneeled during national anthems to advocate against police brutality and racial injustice.


Your racist owner folks.....


Yep, because someone called Clark a "racist" OBVIOUSLY!!!..another one hiding behind his privilege SMH!!!. 

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Notice how nobody ever wants to talk about the roots of the problem in the black community - black on black crime and the evaporation of any semblance of family structure. Shhh, blame it all on the white guy!


LOL "black on black crime"..typical response from those who HIDE behind their privilege!!..oh no let's not tackle racism!!!.."it's yall" who is the problem :D .

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I’ve been a Chiefs fan all my life and even though they have disappointed me a thousand times I can never recall a player with that many character issues being a member of the team for very long if at all. The Chiefs, against their usual method of finding high character players, took a chance on a volatile and emotional player and it didn’t work out and that’s it.

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I’ve been a Chiefs fan all my life and even though they have disappointed me a thousand times I can never recall a player with that many character issues being a member of the team for very long if at all. The Chiefs, against their usual method of finding high character players, took a chance on a volatile and emotional player and it didn’t work out and that’s it.


It did work out because he produced on the pitch and never got into any off the field problem. Talib snatched a man's chain, got into fights on the field that lead to a suspension. Did Denver give up on him? Nope. I guess that's why they win trophies. 

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What about white on white crime? It's easy to try and muddy the waters and try to digress the issue at hand. Which is what you're attempting to do.

Do yourself a favor missy and go look up FBI crime statistics in this country. Get educated before you come out swinging. I’m not trying to muddy anything; I acknowledge we should have intelligent conversations about racism in this country, but to imply that America is inherently a racist nation is ignorant and irresponsible. So I’ll ask again - why is nobody talking about the FACT that young black men are more likely to be killed by other black men than anything else? All of you SJWs are so quick to protest this and that, yet nobody says a word about the things I mentioned. Wanna know why? Because it’s an inconvenient truth, and one that would actually require doing something other than pointing the finger at others. But, you go ahead and fall in line like a good soldier. Question nothing except what they tell you to.

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What a crock of shit. You are a race baiter, pure and simple. Probably lying to boot. So sick of everything in this country being to the detriment of the black man. Peters was exposed on the deep ball, he was exposed as a weak tackler, and he was always throwing fits on the field. His immaturity overshadowed his talent. that's why he will be a Ram soon. Fuck you and your poor black man ethos!!!

Calm down. Let’s keep it civil.

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