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Agree? Marcus Peter's character was like a disgruntled hip hop rapper

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As a player all you have to do is listen to your superiors, do your job and stay out of trouble. While there have been no arrests or off field stuff, he’s clearly shown a lack of respect for his superiors and has distracted from the team. When an nfl game broadcast is centering on non football related stories of a specific player during a game, that’s a problem. A player that can’t accept he’s not bigger than the team isn’t a player I want. It’s not about a culture or background, it’s about a volatile person that can’t control his emotional outbursts which is creating problems.

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Why all the sudden most of you are bagging on Peters but didn't say this kind of stuff before he was included in a trade between the Chiefs and Rams, a trade which is dumb to began with and one the Chiefs must of clearly lost if the Rams dont want to have another team swoop in and make a better deal on

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Why all the sudden most of you are bagging on Peters but didn't say this kind of stuff before he was included in a trade between the Chiefs and Rams, a trade which is dumb to began with and one the Chiefs must of clearly lost if the Rams dont want to have another team swoop in and make a better deal on

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, many people saying this were saying it before any rumor of a trade.

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Why all the sudden most of you are bagging on Peters but didn't say this kind of stuff before he was included in a trade between the Chiefs and Rams, a trade which is dumb to began with and one the Chiefs must of clearly lost if the Rams dont want to have another team swoop in and make a better deal on

I think you know the answer to that.   Mainly the 2 H's.   Hypocrisy and Homerism.   On AP, there was a vote when the trade was first rumored.  There were approximately 90% against trading Peters.    As soon as the trade happened, that shifted to closer to 60%, in fans haste to defend the home team they root for.  There's a thread here which I've highlighted many people's feelings when they believed the trade rumors were BS, and what they thought was a fair haul for Marcus then, vs how they reacted when the trade came down.  The change in some people was both revealing and enlightening.  http://chiefscoalition.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/8093-marcus-peters-trade/

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Cancer! The kid is gonna hurt the whole team. He is a punk and needs to just play football and stop all the other bullshit. It's gonna get worse with Peters, remember I told you so. I'm not looking through red goggles.



He can't have it both ways! He drawing attention to himself by his antics during the Anthem and you are damn right that pisses me off however if Peters wants to draw attention to himself he damn well better back it up with his play and against Washington he did not perform well, so the fans let him hear it and what did he do he acted like a punk and started cussing fans. It's gonna get worse until he is gone he will cost this team late in the season if he don't quit the childish, foolish bullshit and just play football that is what he is paid to do. PERIOD!



I tried to tell all of you back about a month ago when he was parking his ass on the bench during the National Anthem that this kid was a cancer and its only going to get worse but it didn't matter then because the team was winning now the team is losing and its got a lot to do with him. He needs to be traded for what ever we can get for him and ran out of town.


I posted this stuff back as early as October and many thought I was an idiot for what I was saying about trading Peters. Turns out I was pretty close huh!

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I think you know the answer to that.   Mainly the 2 H's.   Hypocrisy and Homerism.   On AP, there was a vote when the trade was first rumored.  There were approximately 90% against trading Peters.    As soon as the trade happened, that shifted to closer to 60%, in fans haste to defend the home team they root for.  There's a thread here which I've highlighted many people's feelings when they believed the trade rumors were BS, and what they thought was a fair haul for Marcus then, vs how they reacted when the trade came down.  The change in some people was both revealing and enlightening.  http://chiefscoalition.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/8093-marcus-peters-trade/


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Why all the sudden most of you are bagging on Peters but didn't say this kind of stuff before he was included in a trade between the Chiefs and Rams, a trade which is dumb to began with and one the Chiefs must of clearly lost if the Rams dont want to have another team swoop in and make a better deal on

Have you been living under a rock? Many fans have had a strong disdain of this kid since the Redskins game last fall.

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Peters has clear anger issues and that likely leads to constantly feeling like he’s being screwed over which makes trust extremely difficult. And hence why both his college and now pro coach (who’s clearly a players coach) sent him packing.

Other than the kneeling haters they know damn well this wasn’t going to be a popular move. When you task your GM to basically get rid of a player for whatever you can, it’s also not going to bring anywhere close to people’s perceived value.

I credit the Chiefs brass for understanding we weren’t going to be able to resign him and that tagging a player like this was patently stupid. Likewise the Chiefs deserve criticism for not being able to work with Peters enough to actually garner any kind of real market for him.

Again this is akin to pulling band aid off and it’s really going to likely sting when they announce compensation. But Andy’s banking Veach can fill the void and his new QB will eventually steal the show. If that doesn’t happen and Peters thrives the next 4-5?years in LA. Said coach won’t be here anymore anyway.

But again people have to know the guy who signed off on drafting Peters (Ballard) and the guy who drafted him (Dorsey) had no real interest. Peters is a major handful although our resident rapper is Tamba (and why is he still on the roster anyway)

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Peters has clear anger issues and that likely leads to constantly feeling like he’s being screwed over which makes trust extremely difficult. And hence why both his college and now pro coach (who’s clearly a players coach) sent him packing.

Other than the kneeling haters they know damn well this wasn’t going to be a popular move. When you task your GM to basically get rid of a player for whatever you can, it’s also not going to bring anywhere close to people’s perceived value.

I credit the Chiefs brass for understanding we weren’t going to be able to resign him and that tagging a player like this was patently stupid. Likewise the Chiefs deserve criticism for not being able to work with Peters enough to actually garner any kind of real market for him.

Again this is akin to pulling band aid off and it’s really going to likely sting when they announce compensation. But Andy’s banking Veach can fill the void and his new QB will eventually steal the show. If that doesn’t happen and Peters thrives the next 4-5?years in LA. Said coach won’t be here anymore anyway.

But again people have to know the guy who signed off on drafting Peters (Ballard) and the guy who drafted him (Dorsey) had no real interest. Peters is a major handful although our resident rapper is Tamba (and why is he still on the roster anyway)

I don't know about that, but I do like a little NWA once in a while. Eazy-E could really spit that shit.

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