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Andy Reid made the call on Peters.

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I wonder if what set the Chiefs off the most is his disrespecting the coaches. The only on field reason I can come with is if his free-lancing was in direct contradiction to what his assignments dictated. Coaches generally will forgive stupidity in the heat of the moment but can’t tolerate direct insubordination from players. He didn’t get thrown at much but seemed to get beat some on double moves. Wonder now if Sutton wanted Peters to play more bump and run while Peters was 15 yards off the receiver.

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I wonder if what set the Chiefs off the most is his disrespecting the coaches. The only on field reason I can come with is if his free-lancing was in direct contradiction to what his assignments dictated. Coaches generally will forgive stupidity in the heat of the moment but can’t tolerate direct insubordination from players. He didn’t get thrown at much but seemed to get beat some on double moves. Wonder now if Sutton wanted Peters to play more bump and run while Peters was 15 yards off the receiver.

I have wondered this myself. No way does it make sense for any scheme call for a CB to play 15 yards off on a 3rd and 3.

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Why? He made a smart TEAM decision. He is in a better position to know how Peters is affecting the team than you or I. He must have seen enough to know that Peters needed to go.

Plenty of posts that discuss my opinion on this. You'll get to them. You don't have to agree. I understand I'm in the minority.

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Disrespecting coaches is huge ordeal. Maybe not to casual fans but it creates disfunction amongst the players and coaches. With us going young and losing DJ and Hali and Alex those solid veteran voices make way for guys like Peters. I wouldn't want my Rookies and younger players looking up to and emulating Peters. Not to mention the transition to Mahomes. Like I said earlier this was more than likely a mutual decision that was best for both parties involved.

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Of course he did. Not sure who would think otherwise. The altercation he had with Dave Toub on the bus after the Jets game may have been final straw and probably set this course in action. We knew we couldn’t resign him, but the drama surrounding this and the suspension that followed proababky expediafed our urgency to move him.

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If Andy gives up on someone, that says a lot. Say what you will about Andy, and I certainly don’t like his Sunday afternoon decisions all that often, but he knows how to assemble a team. The fact at least 16 teams didn’t even inquire about Peters says a lot about what the league thinks of him.

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If Andy gives up on someone, that says a lot. Say what you will about Andy, and I certainly don’t like his Sunday afternoon decisions all that often, but he knows how to assemble a team. The fact at least 16 teams didn’t even inquire about Peters says a lot about what the league thinks of him.

If you can’t play for Andy, your going to have issues almost anywhere. A very young disciplinarian type will be interesting with Peters.

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If you can’t play for Andy, your going to have issues almost anywhere. A very young disciplinarian type will be interesting with Peters.

So what about the narrative that Andy was "Big Red?" A father figure that Peters respects?


Only lends credence to the possibility that Peters wasn't the headache proposed. Only to Clark. Maybe?


Look, I don't why the hell Peters was traded for a pittance. None of the facts make sense and they all paint the organization on a worse light than Peters himself. That's my take and none of you have to agree with it. I'm ok with that.


Doesn't change the fact that it wasn't necessary, it was done for convenience, was completely embarrassing and a huge black mark on this organization and in my eyes, allowing players control over their own destinies through their behavior.


Pitiful. I'll get over it. Right now I'm appalled and pissed.

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Reid made the right call. Peters is a disrespectful POS and not good enough on the field to justify how annoying to deal with he must have been off the field.

Ho-ly $hit. Its all ok now. I feel so much better. Thanks fan of another team. ????

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Stay triggered if you like...  He' still gone, and he still would have been gone at the end of his contract anyway.  LA will be tired of his shit attitude soon as well, oh, and don't forget, when he doesn't tackle (which is always), it's just a "business decision" rofl...  Count your blessings he is tainting some other locker-room.

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Stay triggered if you like... He' still gone, and he still would have been gone at the end of his contract anyway. LA will be tired of his shit attitude soon as well, oh, and don't forget, when he doesn't tackle (which is always), it's just a "business decision" rofl... Count your blessings he is tainting some other locker-room.

Good to know your view. Thanks

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So what about the narrative that Andy was "Big Red?" A father figure that Peters respects?


Only lends credence to the possibility that Peters wasn't the headache proposed. Only to Clark. Maybe?


Look, I don't why the hell Peters was traded for a pittance. None of the facts make sense and they all paint the organization on a worse light than Peters himself. That's my take and none of you have to agree with it. I'm ok with that.


Doesn't change the fact that it wasn't necessary, it was done for convenience, was completely embarrassing and a huge black mark on this organization and in my eyes, allowing players control over their own destinies through their behavior.


Pitiful. I'll get over it. Right now I'm appalled and pissed.

That blowout with Dave Toub on the bus after Peters had completed embarrassed himself and walked out on his teammates during the game probably the final straw in my opinion that set the wheels in motion. He was not resigning here but now they had to start wondering why a guy they couldn’t trust should be in an influential position to what will be a very young team. I’m starting to think Andy got him back on board after suspension by promising he’d try and trade him. But that’s purely speculative.

And you have to admit the closer this guy got to free agency and the possibility of that franchise tag, the more likely he could implode. This is Andy’s team and has always been. The guy can work with nearly anyone and clearly Peters didn’t have a major problem with him specifically. But that doesn’t mean Andy couldn’t see the writing on the wall.

I get the anger. I really do. I just think the fact Andy’s only suspended two players in 19 seasons and both were jettisoned that offseason means something. As does the fact basically nobody wanted a very good young corner. We are in major transition already and I’ll stick with narrative they are just pulling off the band aid here and living with backlash.

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I think the compensation is key. If teams weren’t concerned about his temperament, then based on talent alone teams would’ve been lining up to beat that return. A single pick at the back of the first round would’ve easily been attainable if Peters weren’t a head case. The back channels of the league are very connected. There’s no doubt in my mind that coaches and franchise personnel talk about these guys amongst each other. There are no surprises in the nfl.

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Ovearll it was a BS answer. We don't know why Peters was traded and Reid simply came out saying Hunt is blameless for any possible football mistakes. If people are coming out defending others from blame, you know they are not certain about the correctness of their actions. Hopefully we'll learn more about it later and we have some solid reasons to let him go, otherwise it will be tough on the frontoffice. 

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That blowout with Dave Toub on the bus after Peters had completed embarrassed himself and walked out on his teammates during the game probably the final straw in my opinion that set the wheels in motion. He was not resigning here but now they had to start wondering why a guy they couldn’t trust should be in an influential position to what will be a very young team. I’m starting to think Andy got him back on board after suspension by promising he’d try and trade him. But that’s purely speculative.

And you have to admit the closer this guy got to free agency and the possibility of that franchise tag, the more likely he could implode. This is Andy’s team and has always been. The guy can work with nearly anyone and clearly Peters didn’t have a major problem with him specifically. But that doesn’t mean Andy couldn’t see the writing on the wall.

I get the anger. I really do. I just think the fact Andy’s only suspended two players in 19 seasons and both were jettisoned that offseason means something. As does the fact basically nobody wanted a very good young corner. We are in major transition already and I’ll stick with narrative they are just pulling off the band aid here and living with backlash.

While I literally can't disagree with your assessment, I personally have to completely disagree with how it was handled. Just because only two players have been suspended (and subsequently jettisoned) under Reid doesn't mean that he works well with problem players. In fact his actions show completely the opposite. The players love him. He's a big softie and apparently allows his players too much leeway or this would have been handled better from the start.


At any rate, my intent to mention to fire Reid in the first place is due to the fact that he wants to claim responsibility for this whole dilemma. My contention is that if he wants to shoulder the blame for this then Clark Hunt should fire him. It's a blatant mismanagement of elite level talent from the start and directly affects the potential success of the team. You selected him, the kid has shown he's a flat Baller. Any way you like to spin the rest of it is fine but that fact remains.


Now, if for some unknown (protesting) reason it's not Reid, that puts this squarely on Clark Hunt and for me, that's even more ugly and horrendously worse.


The situations aren't exactly the same, no, but the Steelers took a hard line with a disgruntled Leveon Bell and now (after him trying to hold out etc.) will likely sign on the dotted line for a record breaking RB contract shortly. No, not the same as we had but it's pretty darn close.


Either way, Peters (who shares plenty of blame in all of this) got exactly what he wanted through his immaturity and actions. The simple fact that this was allowed shows players that (specifically in KC) we can control our own destinies. Terrible precedent to set.

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