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Time to start hitting the jackpot when it comes to undrafted talent!!


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How many times In recent memory have we hit gold with an undrafted talent? For example, Texas got AJ Bouye as an undrafted talent, The Jets got Robby Anderson and we had a shot at David Irving but let him slip away from us. This is one area I hope we are fully prepared for this offseason because no doubt more than a few decent prospects are gonna slip through the net. So our scouts better be prepared this year as this can really make a huge difference to the quality of our roster. 

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Wilson was a pretty good find. Sorenson, maybe. Not jackpots. But, winning the jackpot is rare. Which is why they are called jackpots.


Yeah, I didn't mention Wilson because he's only had one "decentish" year which was last season. Meanwhile, the likes of Bouye and Anderson look like absolute studs. This is what can separate a "decent" scouting team from a great one IMO. We should be aiming to get at least one undrafted talent per year who can make an impact on our roster.  

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That’s a nice goal. Just rare. Most guys go undrafted because they are not good enough, or they have major character flags. And, if they are picked up, they never contribute on more than special teams.

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That’s a nice goal. Just rare. Most guys go undrafted because they are not good enough, or they have major character flags. And, if they are picked up, they never contribute on more than special teams.


I'm hoping things will be different under Veach and his crew. This year's CB class, for example, has loads of talent and I'm sure someone is gonna go unnoticed. And the WR group has been called "weak" but I have a sneaky feeling someone could come through from there too. Gonna be very interesting to see what undrafted talent we bring in this offseason. Can't afford to let another David Irving type of situation happen again. 

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Wilson was a pretty good find. Sorenson, maybe. Not jackpots. But, winning the jackpot is rare. Which is why they are called jackpots.


I would probably consider guys like Wilson or Sorensen as the goal of UDFA. As you said jackpot is very rare but all successful teams find undrafted talent with serious contributions as either backups or starters. Chiefs have a history of only finding good players early in the draft and missing out on pretty much every late round or undrafted talent. There has been some exceptions to that rule and hopefully that'll be the norm.

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