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Odell Beckham video of him and girlfriend using drugs


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There are laws that are broken all the time lol


I don't lose my shit if someone jaywalks. There's no PED to it, it has healing properties to guys that hurt constantly and I can think of bigger things to care about.

But it's still federally illegal. So whatever your OPINION is don't matter. He's violating a NFL policy that has derailed NFL careers. Maybe the dumbass should use some common fucking sense and either do a better job of not getting caught or don't do it at all when you have millions on the line. Seems pretty simple to me.

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But it's still federally illegal. So whatever your OPINION is don't matter. He's violating a NFL policy that has derailed NFL careers. Maybe the dumbass should use some common fucking sense and either do a better job of not getting caught or don't do it at all when you have millions on the line. Seems pretty simple to me.

The 1950's called and wants its talking point back.

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So expecting people to use some logic is 1950s?

What does that make you, a millennial?

Technically, yeah I guess so.


I'm not going to throw a guy off a cliff because we have dumb ass laws and can't help but elect dumbasses that want to keep them on the books.


If I expect a guy to cripple themselves for my entertainment, I really don't care if they smoke a plant to deal with the pain.


And yeah you should grow thicker skin or post on AP.

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Technically, yeah I guess so.


I'm not going to throw a guy off a cliff because we have dumb ass laws and can't help but elect dumbasses that want to keep them on the books.


If I expect a guy to cripple themselves for my entertainment, I really don't care if they smoke a plant to deal with the pain.


And yeah you should grow thicker skin or post on AP.

Nobody is throwing him off a cliff. I think he's a dumbass. There's a difference.

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For medicating himself? Okay than.

Do you know him personally? How do you know he is medicating himself? Maybe the guy just likes to get lit up. Lines of coke in the video, was that self medication too? Probably not, quite often used to enhance sex. But hey, you said he's self medicating so that must be the facts right?

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Most of the people I know that smoke weed never claimed to smoke it for pain or calm them down cause they got mental health. They just like to get high and get a little escape. Its finally legal medically where I live and they all claim pain and bullshit so they can legally get high. The shit actually serves a good purpose and real people with real issues can benefit from it. I don't see most of these athletes as any different.

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I mean, it's against NFL policy to smoke weed. So the corporation that allows Beckham to be a multi-millionaire for playing a game says it's against their rules to do so. He should probably be a little more discreet.

You mean it's not good to video yourself doing illegal stuff? Who knew.


But if you do, you should definitely post it on the internet though, right?

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I mean, it's against NFL policy to smoke weed.  So the corporation that allows Beckham to be a multi-millionaire for playing a game says it's against their rules to do so.  He should probably be a little more discreet.


Exactly. I don't know why people defend the actions when people break a policy. Way too many people these days that don't believe in individual accountability.  


"Hey this guy knows smoking weed could get him in trouble, knows it could cause him suspension, knows the league takes a very strict stance against weed (see Josh Gordon) and alcohol abuse (see Johnny Manzel), but go ahead and do it because it's a stupid policy anyways. Oh, and shame on anyone for making a negative comment about their actions when he shows it on the internet. You all are from the 1950's."

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This isn't even a weed or drug issue for me.  Breaking a federal law is an issue for law enforcement and debating federal law is irrelevant to this topic.


If I had an employer that paid me millions of dollars, that said I couldn't eat Peanut Butter anymore.  I wouldn't touch another PB&J.  And it wouldn't take some great act of my self control.  It would be a fast easy choice that I made anytime, everyday.  And if I wanted to sneak a PB&J with my girlfriend, I sure as Hell wouldn't post it on the internet unless I was telling my employer that I didn't want to work for them anymore.


Good for him if he is retiring.  I personally believe the rules need to apply to each equally, especially in the workplace.  He should be held to their code of conduct.


This isn't even a discussion for me.  But have at it guys

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