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Do you approve of trading down?


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Moving down with such low picks doesn’t seem likely. That would mean no puck in round 1 or 2? I would prefer to stand pat, but think we move up in the second.


Anything could happen with a new GM and a commitment to young. I may be eating my words.

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I prefer KC go after 2 or 3 guys who can contribute significantly to the team this year rather than parlay a lot of picks....move down and hope you get lucky on a couple guys. In other words I would prefer they move up and increase their chances of finding a stud or at the very least stand pat. Not a fan of moving down with no 1st rounder this year.

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Impossible question to answer until the time comes.  If the player the Chiefs have at the top of their list seems a number of places from being picked, then a move down is obvious.  At the same time, they could move up a few spaces if they love a prospect and he has a high chance of being grabbed earlier.  In general, I would prefer a few good prospects ahead of a shotgun approach to more picks.  For example, two years ago the chiefs drafted three DBs and no not one was worth is although Murray is still on the roster.  Get the right guys, not more picks while hoping to strike gold.

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