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I went to the game and focused on him some. He has a strong bull rush and pushed his man back into the pocket quite a bit but couldn't release and make a play at the QB. I saw similar results from Speaks. I will say they were much more effective than Zombo, who Sutton continues to trot out there. I think both KPass and Speaks need to develop some more moves. Both need to develop the getting low/lean move that Houston uses and DT perfected in the day. Their pad level is so high that I can even see it from the stands. Strength and athletic ability won't cut it in the NFL. Offensive tackles will eat their lunch until they develop some counter moves and lower their pad level. Having said all that, I remain optimistic that our pass rush will get better this year, and I'm not evening banking much on Ford to do much. Was really hoping that Hali would come back in a coaching capacity this summer to help these young turks out. 

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I think Speaks is closer to being a contributor than Tanoh.

I don't think Speaks is in the right condition for fulltime linebacking (not his fault) while Tanoh still has a lot of work to do.

Kpass is getting better, but I don't really see much fluidity in his game.  Really seemed his was operating robotic and not doing things naturally--not always keeping his legs churning like you want to see.

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