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In the NEW NFL will defense be as important?

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Looking at the new,  dont hurt anyone goal , of the NFL. You have to wonder. Will defense make the same impact as it has in the past, or even close to the past? The rules so favor the offense. The rules so protect the QB. Special teams rules so protect the returner. Maybe KC invested in offense with insight? Maybe the new NFL is arena football?  As Justin Houston put it...."We will be playing flag football". That BS call on the sack of Daniels is a perfect example. Dont land on the guy. Really. 

Looks like another season of games decided by the REFS and not players making plays.

Maybe be all in on offense is the path to glory.

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If the KPass play is a penalty in the regular season then you can kiss playing defense goodbye and at least we as Chiefs' fans don't have to worry about our defense being awful this year.

Even fans of teams like the Patriots, Steelers, Eagles and Vikings won't watch the games if those plays are penalties in the regular season.


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11 minutes ago, DieHard said:

I read somewhere else that you can’t land with your weight on the QB also. Are these actual rules or just the refs taking it into there own hands?

You can't forcibly slam QB's anymore with all your weight as you drag them to the ground anymore.  AKA the Aaron Rodgers rule

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49 minutes ago, DieHard said:

I read somewhere else that you can’t land with your weight on the QB also. Are these actual rules or just the refs taking it into there own hands?

Yes that's been a rule for a while, they just didn't call it much.  The refs clarified that this is why they called it and that it was one of the preseason points of emphasis.  I guess i get it.  They're trying to protect QBs, but come on.... let them play.  Getting plowed into the dirt is going to happen when you're a QB.  

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I also though it was a bad call or at least a picky one, but be honest.  If Von Miller launched into Mahomes and landed on top of him, the Chiefs kingdom would be in an uproar.  We all wear biased glasses when the home team plays.  That being said, the refs are affecting the games too much.  The Chiefs had the Bears stopped (for once) and the call was a game changer.  Reminds one of the two "forward progress stopped.  No fumble" calls in the playoff game in Jan.

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So how important is an elite defense? The iggles were pretty good last year but won the superbowl despite giving up 500 yards passing to Brady and over 600 yards of total offense in that game.  

Realistically we need to shave off about 2 points per game on our average points given up and about 65 yards a game to be where the iggles defense was last year.  Giving up about the same yardage and shaving off 2 points per game puts us where the Patriots were last year.  Both were top 5 defenses.

That's doable.  Even better would be a defense that can put some quick pressure on a QB when they need to.  

More importantly though, and the real reason those teams were in the superbowl, was offense.  Mahomes needs to rise up to the elite QB ranks.  

That's why Mahomes developing is the only storyline that really matters right now.

With the rules so heavily weighted towards offenses... well you get the drift.

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It's not the yards given up or even the scores allowed.  It's the inability go get the critical stop on third down in the fourth quarter that kills the Chiefs.  It just seems that for the past two seasons the defense just can't get off the field, especially in the second half or at game changing points.  For example, the OAK game last year that the Chiefs lost or the playoff game.  I'm not expecting perfection, but the tendency to get beat late is obvious.

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