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Guaranteed contracts

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There's nothing wrong with guarantees. The contracts simply need to evolve to cover injuries, retirements, and such. NBA gives the chance to avoid cap with a single contract which is almost always used for injuries and there's no reason NFL couldn't come up with something similar. 

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You will never see it happen. The players are only having to be paid that part and that is the way it helps them by protecting them. Sith has the right idea where you can void one due to injury where the player gets his settlement or guaranteed money but does not cripple you in cap space. They would have to make it iron clad to a point though so those cheaters cant get one over.

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I don't have a issue with guaranteed contracts. I know nothing about NBA contracts, but it sounds better than the way the NFL does it. I don't like the way the sports media announces a contract. They state the full contract, knowing that the player will - most likely - not make all that. 

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No problem with guarantees if it is negotiated fairly. If I'm not mistaken everyone in here who works can TRY to negotiate what they can for their pay. Whether or not your employer goes for it is the issue.

I would however, make a prerequisite for entry into the HOF no less than 10 years. Less than 10 years, not a contender for the Hall. If you look at the entry fo players prior to Terrell Davis approximately 90% had played for at least 10 years.

There has to be some give and take, you want guaranteed money no problem, owners want players playing longer than 4 years.

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