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Trade for Patrick Peterson

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Last year when Cards sucked reports were coming out about Peterson wanting out.  Now 0-4 do you think he could help at Corner or is safety by far the biggest need and a elite CB like Peterson would not help much?  Discuss 

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Peterson would be great. He's 28 and under contract for 2.5 more seasons with a solid CB contract that we can afford. I would be willing to give up our late 2nd for him but not sure if he's on the market. That would mean the start of a fire sale in Arizona. 

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30 minutes ago, Chiefsfan1963 said:

Won't happen. I believe that teams see the Chiefs D has issues. Unless a player is at the end of their contract they just won't make it a friendly deal. Everyone knows the Chiefs are hurting and will ask for more than they are willing to give.


Even though we never know in NFL they probably won't be doing anything this year. Peterson has been unhappy with the lack of competitiveness in the team so they might look into piling up some picks. Rosen has some raw talent but looks like it'll be a couple years before he can lead them and surrounding him with some weapons might make sense. 

It all comes down to the asking price though. A winless team can trade away any player but if they really wanna keep Peterson they won't take a low pick in the process. If they are not asking for a 1st I think I would pull the trigger. We are likely to spend a 1st or 2nd at CB so we don't really give up anything extra. 

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Ragland has been a total liability to the point where he had only a handful of snaps on Monday night and an airplane ride made his knee swell up.  That doesn't sound like a long term player to me.

The inside guys were owned a lot and really made it super easy for the Broncos to run right up the middle.  Berry has been rehabbing for months and isn't any closer to playing so far.

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10 hours ago, Chiefsfan1963 said:

Won't happen. I believe that teams see the Chiefs D has issues. Unless a player is at the end of their contract they just won't make it a friendly deal. Everyone knows the Chiefs are hurting and will ask for more than they are willing to give.


We seemed to have a reasonable deal in place for Earl Thomas which was way less than what they originally wanted.  I don't think Veach will be mortgaging anything but I do think if Arizona was willing they could work something out reasonable.  I think the issue there is PP is pretty stinking good so competition would probably drive the price out of our range.

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2 hours ago, liquidfriend said:

I don't think the Chiefs are looking to go another year without a 1.  I think trading for Bethea would be more likely, but I really think they will just wait for Dirty Dan and Berry.

You are probably right.  Winning allows us that patience.   I think we all might look back on this Earl Thomas debacle and regret it didn't work out.   If Berry could have come back and been paired with Thomas that would have done wonders for this D.   

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2 hours ago, Calichief said:

Don’t you think Peterson has the make up to play safety? Size etc. I think he’d would be stellar.

I doubt they would trade for him to move him to Safety. He would be shutting down one side with Fuller/Nelson handling the other side and the slot. Safeties would be run oriented but we obviously need a Safety more than a CB at this point. 

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