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What's Up With Booger McFarland and MNF?

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Did anyone else notice how many times he said the Chiefs had the worst defense in the NFL? It was like saying something to a 5 year old and they just keep repeating it until you want to slap them. Statistically, they give up the most yards but that is due to them having big leads in the second half (save the Denver game). I also don't get that little sideline director's dolly he's on. If that is supposed to help him give the audience insight into new information and evaluation, he sure as hell does a lousy job of passing it on. I have never understood why ABC/ESPN takes these guys who have never done a day of broadcasting in their lives and throw them into the most watched game of the week, particularly since they have an ENTIRE NETWORK of these guys sitting around. These guys make Collinsworth sound smart. Maybe I'm a biased homer, but I think that Trent Green would do a tremendous job on Monday Night. I'm actually glad they got rid of Michaels though. He became a little too amused with himself over the years. 

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Those guys don't bother me anymore. It's always the same old stuff and it's amusing at times. I remember him saying at one point in the game,  referring to Mahomes "it's time to step up and play like a real NFL QB not that tricky college stuff.

That's not the exact thing he said, but it was something similar. I thought it was a corny & ignorant comment, but it's all for entertainment IMO. 


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1 hour ago, Troyofoc said:

Ya I don't care for his analysis. I don't think it's what he says but his voice, tone, energy are just not easy to listen to.

This!   I told a friend after the first MNF game he is super annoying.  I think you are right it’s his voice coupled with the way he states things.  Doubt he lasts longer than this year.

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Booger was fine in the studio. Not sure he really provides enough insight to be there. I think that is why he repeats himself too much. Witten is far worse to me. Whereas Romo is a little weird, he is always predicting stuff before the snap and calling attention to it like I’ve never seen. Witten is just a rambler stating the obvious.

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5 minutes ago, Handswarmer said:

Pretty sure he was spot on with the comment on the Defense.

Kelce? over Gronk?

Eh- they both get hurt, then no good to the team....I'd rather have a few good TE's

I totally agree.  Kind of like how I'd rather have two "good" QB's instead of one great one.  Please note the dripping sarcasm here...  Your statement wreaks of jealousy.  If your team had a "GronK" or "Kelce" I'm sure your position might be different.  

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48 minutes ago, Chiefswinitall said:

Why does it bother you when he said the  defense was terrible?

It didn't bother me that he stated it. It is pretty undeniable that the defense is bad. It's just that he was using that as his one contribution all night. He was a defensive player himself, why not some analysis as to why the Chiefs were getting gashed. In other words, TELL US WHAT YOU ARE SEEING! That's why you are in that chair to begin with! He is clearly not doing any homework or looking at the play to offer any insight.  If you can't offer anything, shut up and stop abusing our ears. 

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38 minutes ago, Dan4pres said:

It didn't bother me that he stated it. It is pretty undeniable that the defense is bad. It's just that he was using that as his one contribution all night. He was a defensive player himself, why not some analysis as to why the Chiefs were getting gashed. In other words, TELL US WHAT YOU ARE SEEING! That's why you are in that chair to begin with! He is clearly not doing any homework or looking at the play to offer any insight.  If you can't offer anything, shut up and stop abusing our ears. 

Yep. Spot on. I want tactical analysis not somebody restating the obvious over and over. Is he the same one who said our college offense was being exposed and we would have to step up and play like Pro's or something like that? Of course 20 minutes later Mahomes had more yards outside the pocket than any QB in a decade and Denver's 65 game win streak with a 10 point 4th quarter lead was over. 

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2 minutes ago, Chiefswinitall said:

Dan.   That Dline got HAMMERED.    Everyone looked bad.  That Bronco Oline did a clinic on us.   A fricking fullback took out our rook Nnadi !

Well said, Chiefs. You already said more here than McFarland said all night. Maybe you should have his job. I just expect more from these supposed football experts. Why hire ex-NFL players if all they do is regurgitate the same stupid crap over and over? What happened to the days where they would use the telestrator and show how plays either worked or didn't. McFarland could have easily talked about how Denver's line couldn't contain Mahomes as well. Add something to the broadcast. I assume that McFarland is the "keeping it real" guy since Witten fawns over everyone. I could even accept that MNF is more for "entertainment" than the Sunday games but these guys are hardly entertaining or fun to listen to. At least the sideline reporter tells us about injuries. 

Again, I would expect ESPN could find more capable guys to do MNF and they already have some. They are just doing college games. I'm sure that McFarland and Witten are good guys and are really trying. ESPN didn't do them any favors by throwing them in the spotlight like that. They should have worked their way up to MNF level. MNF has historically been the diamond jewel of ABC and really for the last 20 years, they treat it like some summer fill in show. I don't get it. I just wanted to get that off my chest and I have. Moving on to other more important matters now...like JAX and NE. 

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The mnf broadcast in general was complete shit IMO.  I didn’t feel like any of them brought anything to the table, not the incessant referring to Mahomes as “showtime”, or any of the witty attempts at being clever.  It was like they all wanted to be Stuart Scott or Dick Vitale, attempting to be personality over substance.  It was terrible.  CBS still has the best broadcast of the nfl. 

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4 hours ago, liquidfriend said:

I don't think anyone needed an inside view on why the Chiefs D suck, unless they were Stevie Wonder or something.

How about explaining safety responsibilities in a Cover 2 so that people knew it was not scheme that almost cost us game on that sideline pattern to Thomas. 

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3 hours ago, moons314 said:

The mnf broadcast in general was complete shit IMO.  I didn’t feel like any of them brought anything to the table, not the incessant referring to Mahomes as “showtime”, or any of the witty attempts at being clever.  It was like they all wanted to be Stuart Scott or Dick Vitale, attempting to be personality over substance.  It was terrible.  CBS still has the best broadcast of the nfl. 

Really like Nantz and Romo has been surprisingly outstanding from day one.  

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19 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

I agree.   There aren't 3 better dudes to do Monday night football?  Seriously?

No doubt. Good news it’s on CBS this week and with two of the leagues big dogs playing we should get the Nantz-Romo pairing. 

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1 hour ago, Lamardirts said:

I agree.   There aren't 3 better dudes to do Monday night football?  Seriously?

I agree with this. But I really tune most of this crap out. I’m so into watching matchups and stuff that half the time I don’t even hear them.

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