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Chiefs vs Jags - Game Day Thread

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I just watched the game. It was a solid win, but it sucks that LDT got injured. It was a very physical game and I thought the Chiefs defense played well. It's funny because Romo said what  I was thinking, they played good, but still will be at the bottom of the league in yards after this game. They won't get the credit they deserve. 

I'm happy the Chiefs won, but like many others; cautiously optimistic.

I love the fact we have Mahomes. He's really making a difference in the way this team plays. I will now enjoy this victory,  listen to all the talk on Sports radio 810 and other places . 


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When 4 out of 5 teams were down big, they had no choice but to gun it all over. So yeah, we are going to allow some yards. Defense is getting better by adding the young guys. Let watts, speaks, kpass, and so on, just play. 

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11 hours ago, moons314 said:

And it very well could’ve bitten us. If Colquitt doesn’t get hit, Jax has the ball with 4+ minutes to go against a leaky, injury depleted defense.  Look at our last two playoff losses.  One would think that such gut wrenching defeats would have an impact on Reid and slightly alter how he operates.  He loses all aggression and lets teams back in it when we have big leafs.  It didn’t cost us today, but it’s cost us dearly in the past, and most likely will again in the future. 

Huh?  Wasn't the score 30-14 with like 4:00 minutes left when that happened?  I mean, I totally agree watching teams get garbage stats and scores is annoying, but in no way was that game in jeopardy yesterday once we got it to 30-7.

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19 hours ago, moons314 said:

Why is Tulsa breaking away for a tornado in another state?  This is tornado alley, if it’s not in your immediate area, it’s not news because it’s so common. 

In fairness Arkansas is closer to Tulsa than Topeka to KC, and I know they’d over cover that here too.  They get a lot more tornadoes down there than we do as well. 

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