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K. Hunt...video of him assaulting a woman???

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37 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

100% agree with the Bolded but I'm not thinking the being sent home is as "telling:" as you..he would of been mobbed by the press I see that as more preventive maintenance 

Very true. I do think as calmer heads prevail and the entire incident power brokers both with the Chiefs and NFL consider entire incident and not just the video this won't be as bad as some people think. But I do think an extended suspension in the 4-8 game range is going to happen. 

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It will be interesting how the NFL treats this incident since it does not fall under the Domestic Violence policy. From what I can tell, Hunt made direct contact with her twice. Once when he initially approached her (small shove) and then the kick at the end of the video. The most serious act was actually a pinball effect when Hunt pushed someone and then they knocked her over. She was obviously drunk so her being hit by the other guy looked a lot worse that it could have been if she could have eluded it a little better. You can also clearly see she is shoving another guy right before she gets run over by the guy Hunt pushed. The video also shows she clearly punched Hill in the face after the initial shove. 

People are jumping all over this like he was beating the crap out of this woman and that is simply not true. She reportedly also hit a female friend of Hunt's prior to this video. She was asked to leave and refused. She reportedly hurled multiple racial slurs. All of these facts will come to light and were part of the police report. The police deemed that this woman was the instigator and if any arrests would have been made, she would have been the one going to jail. 

The one move that  makes Hunt look incredibly stupid is the little kick at the end. It was unnecessary and if he hadn't done that, I would put money that no suspension would be forthcoming. Since he did that, he may get a few games off to think about it. This is not Ray Rice or any of the other domestic incidents people are tweeting about. If he gets six games it would be a travesty of justice and just be another NFL overreaction to political correctness. 



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 It's a confusing video. It seemed like He should have just stayed in his room, but I don't know the situation. I know everyone won't agree,  but it didn't look as bad after I watched it again IMO.  What he did was stupid , but he didn't brutalize her. I agree the little kick at the end was really stupid. I wonder if Hunt was a little drunk also, but he didn't appear to be. 

His friends did a terrible job of holding him back.



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20 minutes ago, Dan4pres said:

It will be interesting how the NFL treats this incident since it does not fall under the Domestic Violence policy. From what I can tell, Hunt made direct contact with her twice. Once when he initially approached her (small shove) and then the kick at the end of the video. The most serious act was actually a pinball effect when Hunt pushed someone and then they knocked her over. She was obviously drunk so her being hit by the other guy looked a lot worse that it could have been if she could have eluded it a little better. You can also clearly see she is shoving another guy right before she gets run over by the guy Hunt pushed. The video also shows she clearly punched Hill in the face after the initial shove. 

People are jumping all over this like he was beating the crap out of this woman and that is simply not true. She reportedly also hit a female friend of Hunt's prior to this video. She was asked to leave and refused. She reportedly hurled multiple racial slurs. All of these facts will come to light and were part of the police report. The police deemed that this woman was the instigator and if any arrests would have been made, she would have been the one going to jail. 

The one move that  makes Hunt look incredibly stupid is the little kick at the end. It was unnecessary and if he hadn't done that, I would put money that no suspension would be forthcoming. Since he did that, he may get a few games off to think about it. This is not Ray Rice or any of the other domestic incidents people are tweeting about. If he gets six games it would be a travesty of justice and just be another NFL overreaction to political correctness. 



Not sure it is really domestic violence. Is that his wife or girlfriend? Yes it a fight but is it DV?

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He's going on the Commissioners Exempt list which means he's suspended indefintely until they reinvestigate this. Had to be done. If the league didn't do it, the Chiefs would. Almost half our season ticket holders are women and no matter what the circumstance that kick is what put him over the top. Its absolutely being overhyped as some sort of random attack and ther circumstances and fact there were no injuries and no charges filed still work in his favor in terms of some sort of Ray Rice type of suspension. I think the E Elliott thing may be spot on. Just the wrong time in this country to do something like this. 

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Looks to me like his girlfriend got into it with this girl and he decided he needed to do something about it.

looks like actions occured down the hallway out of view of the camera before this was filmed also.

bad move on all parts but what i find suspicious is the girl seems disoriented and unclear of details but is positive there was a camera that captured the incident and she wanted to immediately see the footage.

the fact the hotel manager wouldn’t let her use the phone tells me he recognized her for being there before and maybe pulling stunts like this.

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Finally saw the video. 

Looks like a lot of back and forth squaring up shit that would of likely looked a heck lot worse if people weren't holding him back.  His partner doesn't do well holding base and falls into alleged angry racist woman and ended with Kareem Hunt interrupting her opportunity to kneel during the national anthem.  Not exactly a brutalizing video, TMZ.

Will be on comm list for this week and will get a 4 game suspension would be my guess.  Back in time for playoffs, with a fresh set of legs.

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1 hour ago, qnet said:

Well this sucks. Kareem Hunt is pretty stupid. You would think these guys would know better by now, given how the climate of how things are. He should have never shoved her. Don't mistake me, I'm not white knighting for the female either. She just kept on coming at him,  knowing full well whatever he did, it would come back on him, and not her. 

I have a 20 year old son that I love more than life, but he can have moronic hormonal overreactions that are stupefying to me. No man should ever physically intimidate, let alone lay a hand on a women. No excuse for the action, but the inability, to make rational decisions in the heat of the moment is not as predictable for an early 20-something. Frontal lobe development thing. Regardless, there will be punishment , as there should be, but I'm betting it wil fit the crime. I'm hoping it fits the crime. 

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6 minutes ago, liquidfriend said:

Might be a stretch here, but I don't think the NFL had anything to do with this.

Agree. I am so glad I do not think conspiracy theory. That must feel helpless for those that do.

Wasn't something like this  a reason he dropped to the third round?

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I wonder if the NFL/Chiefs take into account that Hunt at least looked like he was trying to harm her but was somewhat held back by multiple people.  

Like what if Rice had friends to hold him back in that elevator....


We will never know what Hunt would of done if it was just him and that girl in the hallway but he sired seemed to atleast be going after her with harming her on his mind.

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Nahhh.... if hunt is supspended Ware , et all, will be enough to win playoff games. That said, I'm not sure Hunt would be suspended during the playoffs anyway.  Even if so, the NFLPA will challenge it and delay suspension. Whatever happens is not a "curse". It's not a conspiracy. It's not unfair. Whatever happens is a result of a bad decision and inappropriate action of a 20-something young man. 

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