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The Chiefs and Violence Against Women

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I kind of agree with this perspective.  We can argue about the details of the incident, whether there was a racial slur, retaliation, etc.  You can make excuses that it wasn't as bad as Ray Rice, etc.  But ultimately Kareem crossed an unacceptable line and, if you believe the Chiefs, he lied about it to cover it up.  Not to mention that he allegedly committed an arguably worse act of violence (punching someone in the face) that will not be viewed as seriously because it was against a man.

When you look at this franchise's history, you have the ugliest domestic violence incident in the history of the league with Jovan Belcher.  There was the Larry Johnson incident.  The team, in the face of much criticism especially in light of the Belcher incident, decided to take a chance on Tyreek Hill based on him being apparently contrite and reformed.

You can be mad about what this does to our season - I am too.  You can question whether it was *absolutely* necessary to cut Kareem instead of letting the process play out - I'm less sure about that, but I understand the perspective.

But honestly, does anyone want us to be the next Bengals or Cowboys (or Redskins, after claiming Foster), where we are associated with domestic violence and having bad dudes in the locker room?  At what point does that affect our ability to bring in the right coaches, front office staff, and even free agents?  At what point does the fan base turn on us enough to make a difference in the bottom line that also affects our ability to be competitive?

The point is, obviously this hurts us short-term on the field.  But long-term?  Given the garbage position that Kareem put us in, the PR decision and the on-field football decision overlap more than you might think.  Unfortunately, I think we had to do this.  It's not the sign of a weak or incompetent organization to take a short-term hit.  It's the sign of a confident one, because we trust our ability to replace him.  Again, that won't be automatic, but you have to believe in your process.  All of you who say "this is why the Chiefs won't win" can get lost.  We're snakebit, perhaps, but the decision to cut Hunt is NOT an organizational failure.

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Great post.  These players have to KNOW there’s severe consequences to actions like this. There’s just no excuse even as the girl was clearly an instigator. Once he got put on that Exempt list he had effectively screwed his teammates this year because he was done in 2018. Once he lied to the Chiefs top brass he made it worse by not letting them react before this video came out. He double screwed the franchise there. And that’s why he won’t be here next year

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53 minutes ago, Thegoatee said:

I hope the NFL holds all guys accountable equally. Weed out the idiots. Too many owners have historically brought in guys who literally faced no consequences for blatant idiocy.

He deserves something along the lines of what E Elliott got in my opinion.  But he could easily get picked up on waivers today as teams try to figure out what penalty will really be. 

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I'll bet almost anything he ends up being a Raider.  Exactly the type of move the Raiders would made and are about to relocate to a new city anyway, so whatever short term blow-back they get will be just that - short term.  The Cardinals won't take the risk, but the Raiders currently hold the second waiver claim position.  Plus, he'd get two cracks a year against the Chiefs, which would have to be appealing to him at this point.  I hope I'm wrong, but somebody is definitely going to pick him up so I'm sure the Raiders are thinking "why not us".  

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13 minutes ago, TomahawkChop said:

I'll bet almost anything he ends up being a Raider.  Exactly the type of move the Raiders would made and are about to relocate to a new city anyway, so whatever short term blow-back they get will be just that - short term.  The Cardinals won't take the risk, but the Raiders currently hold the second waiver claim position.  Plus, he'd get two cracks a year against the Chiefs, which would have to be appealing to him at this point.  I hope I'm wrong, but somebody is definitely going to pick him up so I'm sure the Raiders are thinking "why not us".  

That’s possible.  I doubt the Raiders ever play another game in Oakland again after this year even as Vegas stadium won’t be ready til 2020. Easier to deal with blowback without a community to be upset about it. 

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50 minutes ago, TomahawkChop said:

I'll bet almost anything he ends up being a Raider.  Exactly the type of move the Raiders would made and are about to relocate to a new city anyway, so whatever short term blow-back they get will be just that - short term.  The Cardinals won't take the risk, but the Raiders currently hold the second waiver claim position.  Plus, he'd get two cracks a year against the Chiefs, which would have to be appealing to him at this point.  I hope I'm wrong, but somebody is definitely going to pick him up so I'm sure the Raiders are thinking "why not us".  

Exactly. He gets picked off waivers this week. Raiders are low in that order. 

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11 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

Want to bet? 

There might be 1 or 2 teams willing to, but it doesn't make the other 30 teams idiots for not putting a claim on him.

If you want to the Chiefs to be a team like the Redskins that's your opinion but I'm glad they're not.


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3 minutes ago, dksww said:

There might be 1 or 2 teams willing to, but it doesn't make the other 30 teams idiots for not putting a claim on him.

If you want to the Chiefs to be a team like the Redskins that's your opinion but I'm glad they're not.


My point is simple. Suspension is punishment enough. Its a lot of money for a young guy to lose. It serves notice. Another mistake and hes out. Been a good teammate for two seasons.  Its what the league & union agreed upon. This will be the biggest mistake KC has made. Its not about how many wins. This is a elite RB. They are not a dime a dozen.

He is on a Rookie contract. I could care less what 30 other teams think. 

Clarify: This is not domestic violence. Yes its violence but not domestic. Its a drunk kid being baited on by a piece of crap.


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5 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

My point is simple. Suspension is punishment enough. Its a lot of money for a young guy to lose. It serves notice. Another mistake and hes out. Been a good teammate for two seasons.  Its what the league & union agreed upon. This will be the biggest mistake KC has made. Its not about how many wins. This is a elite RB. They are not a dime a dozen.

He is on a Rookie contract. I could care less what 30 other teams think. 

Clarify: This is not domestic violence. Yes its violence but not domestic. Its a drunk kid being baited on by a piece of crap.


I was 100 percent with you until I found out he lied about it. They had no choice after that in my opinion.  Either way he was done this year. 

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10 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

My point is simple. Suspension is punishment enough. Its a lot of money for a young guy to lose. It serves notice. Another mistake and hes out. Been a good teammate for two seasons.  Its what the league & union agreed upon. This will be the biggest mistake KC has made. Its not about how many wins. This is a elite RB. They are not a dime a dozen.

He is on a Rookie contract. I could care less what 30 other teams think. 

Clarify: This is not domestic violence. Yes its violence but not domestic. Its a drunk kid being baited on by a piece of crap.


No it's not DV, it's Kareem Hunt on video shoving and kicking a woman.

This is just like the Peters trade, easily triggered football fans want to make it about the football move aspect instead of the real problem and that is Hunt being caught on video shoving and kicking a woman.

Maybe if Kareem Hunt had told the Chiefs everything back in February things would be different.

You need to direct your anger towards Kareem Hunt, this is all his fault.


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28 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

Foster is not a superstar elite proven player.....

No, but there is no video of what he did either.  We've seen over and over again that video changes perception.


17 minutes ago, dksww said:

There might be 1 or 2 teams willing to, but it doesn't make the other 30 teams idiots for not putting a claim on him.

If you want to the Chiefs to be a team like the Redskins that's your opinion but I'm glad they're not.


28 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

Want to bet? 

Of all the numbers from 0 to 31 in terms of the number of teams that will put a claim in on him, 0 is by far the most probable, though maybe less than 50%.  I would absolutely bet the farm on under 3.5.


9 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

Clarify: This is not domestic violence. Yes its violence but not domestic. Its a drunk kid being baited on by a piece of crap.

My post is worded the way I intended.  I used the phrase "domestic violence" in terms of Belcher, and then later on in a general sense.  I mean, the distinction you're making seems like a huge excuse, but I was already correct in what I said.

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10 minutes ago, dksww said:

No it's not DV, it's Kareem Hunt on video shoving and kicking a woman.

This is just like the Peters trade, easily triggered football fans want to make it about the football move aspect instead of the real problem and that is Hunt being caught on video shoving and kicking a woman.

Maybe if Kareem Hunt had told the Chiefs everything back in February things would be different.

You need to direct your anger towards Kareem Hunt, this is all his fault.


Kareem screwed his teammates, the organization and the fans with selfish ridiculous actions. Had he just admitted it all they could have gotten ahead of it and suspended him themselves. But he made things worse for everyone by lying and these are the consequences.  . 

NOBODY wants to make this team worse by cutting him. Could cost us a Super Bowl run and directly costs us dead money. But this is real life vs football. We’ve just gotta move on. 

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Difference between Foster and Hunt is video.   Video makes it much more real and you can't ignore it.   The public backlash will be greater than Foster if any team claims him off waivers, plus he just made the NFL on the whole look like fools something Foster didn't do as well.   If i remember right when the ray ride incident happened he initially got 2 games.   When the video dropped he was done.  While Hunt will get another chance it won't be till this whole thing dies down and he has a chance to rehab his image.  

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"After being kicked out, one of Hunt's friends said that the woman started using racial slurs. At that point, someone in Hunt's party apparently gave the woman and her friend $20 for a ride home, but the woman didn't want to leave. According to the police report, she stuck around for at least 30 more minutes and was yelling and pounding on the door to Hunt's apartment

According to the police report, the physical altercation started when the woman hit one of Hunt's female friends in the face. At that point, Hunt came out of his apartment and "shoved and pushed" the woman, which is where the video picks up".

That is from an article on CBS sports.  Where is the video of that TMZ?  They are happy to release the terrible part and its terrible no doubt he deserves what he got..but I do get annoyed by how the media bends everything to fit their mood.  Especially when I saw the headline "brutalized" I thought we would see him literally beating that woman to death.  I am from a small town in Kansas and 38 I was raised to be respectful of everyone not just women and I think I have done a decent job of that.  What I saw was terrible but at 3am what in the hell was that dumbass thinking...everyone has a phone....he is in a hotel which had to have cameras....just dumb

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1 hour ago, FANATIC said:

Exactly. He gets picked off waivers this week. Raiders are low in that order. 

it doesn't matter who picks him up, he ain't playing anymore in 2018 and 2019 is very much up in the air

it is so funny that people are more worried about him going to a rival then about the situation that caused all of this in the first place



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59 minutes ago, FANATIC said:

My point is simple. Suspension is punishment enough. Its a lot of money for a young guy to lose. It serves notice. Another mistake and hes out. Been a good teammate for two seasons.  Its what the league & union agreed upon. This will be the biggest mistake KC has made. Its not about how many wins. This is a elite RB. They are not a dime a dozen.

He is on a Rookie contract. I could care less what 30 other teams think. 

Clarify: This is not domestic violence. Yes its violence but not domestic. Its a drunk kid being baited on by a piece of crap.


so you would keep an employee if he openly lied to you about something that happened, even if it gave your company a bad reputation

i have a security clearance and i would lose big time i got something like a DUI/DWI etc...if i lied to cover it up then i lose my clearance because i

can't be trusted....


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36 minutes ago, KC Warpaint said:

so you would keep an employee if he openly lied to you about something that happened, even if it gave your company a bad reputation

i have a security clearance and i would lose big time i got something like a DUI/DWI etc...if i lied to cover it up then i lose my clearance because i

can't be trusted....


This is Sports.... not a typical job. Its entertainment. He is a super talent and still a kid. Strike One. Yes I would keep him on probation as the NFL rules apply.  Now he will go to my competitors. 

You lose your job and go get another one. Probably only a few people know about it.

Hunt loses millions of dollars, endorsements and is humiliated worldwide. Seems like a very stiff penalty.

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2 hours ago, KC Warpaint said:

it doesn't matter who picks him up, he ain't playing anymore in 2018 and 2019 is very much up in the air

it is so funny that people are more worried about him going to a rival then about the situation that caused all of this in the first place



I don't know if your statement refers to me, but my post about him being picked up was about the state of the league generally and the Raiders specifically. I am NOT worried about it and am on record in several threads I commented on last night that cutting him was/is the only choice. You can't physically intimidate anyone at any time without consequences. His lying to the teams' brass left no other option and I believe it was the right move. No matter how much it stinks for the organization and - selflessly - us as fans.  

Hunt made his bed. Time to move on and root for the team on the field. Go Chiefs!

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The Raiders of old would pick him up in a heartbeat.  But they are not the same team.  They are managed differently and have a different philosphy. They are trying to get settled and develop, not take on controversial figures that give them a "bad boys" reputation.  Obviously, I am just expressing an opinion.  I would never be surprised about being wrong about anything anymore.  But it just does not make sense to me that the Raiders would do that at this time. 

RB's are a different breed. Numerous, difficult to predict from college statistics, often come from out of nowhere, like the late rounds and undrafted FA's, have relatively short careers, burn bright then fade away slowly, usually on expensive contracts. 

A team that wants to win lands a franchise QB and builds around him, not find expensive playmakers and hope their average QB looks like a superstar for a year or two. The Chiefs were the latter for a long, long time.  Now we are the former.  Draft and build a better than average defense, keep a few playmakers and a good line around the QB, and become a perennial balanced powerhouse.  That's what I'm ready for, and that's what I think we have finally.  Kareem Hunt will be a distant memory in a few years.

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