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The thing is week in and week out teams get to play against the Chiefs defense so it's hard to be able to credit the other team for what they do.

The Chargers went up and down the field all night with a 3rd and 4th string RB, 38 year old TE and no Keenan Allen.

Our defense is and has been historically atrocious for 2 seasons in row and it's well past the time to do something about it.

Until I see or hear the news that Bob Sutton has been fired, I won't be happy and am preparing for the worst the rest of the season and playoff game.


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26 minutes ago, dksww said:

Mike Williams completely wide open on the game deciding play is a microcosm of just how big of a joke this defense is.

How do you hold them to 14 with aggressive play and then in six give up 14.

again, bob not playing to their strengths .. bob bob bob

yes the corners suck, but it was working fine

hey, but change it up with the lead and try something new 

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Yea, I don't think Andy will fire Bob after we see the same results in the playoffs.

We have subpar talent on the backend. That will be Bob's scapegoat. And unfortunately, it's a legitimate excuse.

Bob cannot force Nelson to stop being lazy and holding and drawing penalties.

Bob cannot turn back the clock on Scandrick, and make him play like he did when he was 26 yrs. old.

Bob cannot force Ron Parker to play like he gives a damn, or like he did when he was 28.

I'm not even sure Bob has the authority to play Lucas over Murray/Sorrenson.

I truly believe we will see Bob again next year, UNLESS...we win the Superbowl, in which he might retire.

And the thought of seeing another year of Bob on the sidelines is quite DEPRESSING.

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