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Amazing how a penalty at just the right time did it (again)

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Years ago I had a fan of another team tell me the NFL was rigged.  I’m not talking about totally scripted, but a flag at the right time.  As we all know, a flag at the right time, such as the “roughing” call or the lined up the neutral zone, which cost the Chiefs, or no flag, could end up costing the Saints their game, could be devastating.  I told him I didn’t believe it, and he both rattled off examples and showed me a couple games.  I have to admit, it made me wonder.


Now I’ll 100% admit, most of you know more about football than I do.  But if you are like me, you are there calling what is going to happen with shocking regularity.


I’m sure most have heard about Tony Romo’s calling the game…before it happened.


I remember yesterday wondering how could Reid be so stupid when it didn’t take much of an IQ to know what the Patriots were going to do.  I remember yesterday telling me sons how, the Chiefs would come back, catch up, make it an exciting game that Tom Brady in storybook fashion would win again and telling them “watch for a penalty at just the wrong time.”


We know baseball is slanted with the salary cap.  The NFL has “parity” because of the salary cap. But the same people seem to win again and again.  I remember years ago someone giving me a story about someone who worked in the NFL offices saying something to the effect that, if you thought that an industry with billions in revenues at stake didn’t have the winners planned, you were naïve. 


Again, I’m not saying it is scripted as that would be impossible. But just a flag here or there at the right/wrong time could sway so many games.  Just like happened (surprise) again yesterday and now, rather than flyover KC and New Orleans we have the east coast versus the west coast, once again.

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It's not rigged, but the NFL has a serious problem with it's referees.

It needs to be a full time job with constant training and film watching during the week prior to their game.

A head referee needs to be in the replay booth and have the availability to change bad/blown calls on the field so things like what happened to the Saints, or the Chris Jones penalty, get changed on the spot, so the game isn't decided by a wrong call.

The problem with the NFL and it's refs right now is that these guys make a bad call and they're only held accountable afterwards by the NFL and none of us know what that means, or if anything is really done at all.

Get it right on the field no matter what.  I don't care if a ref looks like an idiot by making a bad call, I get it, they're human.  But it's worse to just let the call stand and carry on with the game afterwards just to save the referee from "the embarrassment".


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3 minutes ago, dksww said:

It's not rigged, but the NFL has a serious problem with it's referees.

It needs to be a full time job with constant training and film watching during the week prior to their game.

A head referee needs to be in the replay booth and have the availability to change bad/blown calls on the field so things like what happened to the Saints, or the Chris Jones penalty, get changed on the spot, so the game isn't decided by a wrong call.

The problem with the NFL and it's refs right now is that these guys make a bad call and they're only held accountable afterwards by the NFL and none of us know what that means, or if anything is really done at all.

Get it right on the field no matter what.  I don't care if a ref looks like an idiot by making a bad call, I get it, they're human.  But it's worse to just let the call stand and carry on with the game afterwards just to save the referee from "the embarrassment".


They need an absolute overhaul on replay.
Should have certain penalties that are reviewed immediately in the NY booth. Obviously pass interference and roughing the passer should be reviewed in the booth on the fly.  Those penalties are monstrous as they're instant first downs and large amounts of gained yardage. 
Instant replay should solve some of those bogus penalties (Chris Jones roughing play), but they need to streamline the replay so it doesn't slow the game down.    

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3 minutes ago, hankstromboli said:

They need an absolute overhaul on replay.
Should have certain penalties that are reviewed immediately in the NY booth. Obviously pass interference and roughing the passer should be reviewed in the booth on the fly.  Those penalties are monstrous as they're instant first downs and large amounts of gained yardage. 
Instant replay should solve some of those bogus penalties (Chris Jones roughing play), but they need to streamline the replay so it doesn't slow the game down.    

Maybe not have the coaches be able to challenge the call, but what I'm suggesting is if the ref throws a flag on Chris Jones for last night's roughing the passer, the head referee upstairs at the game, reviews it and states it's not a penalty and calls down to the field to have the flag waived off.


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It is a combination of incompetence, no accountability, and certain players getting star treatment. I say give coaches a third challenge and let them challenge any penalty. All the head refs should be full time employees who work and coach up the secondary refs all year that are on their “team”.

And we all know, in any sport, certain guys get calls. The NBA treats guys different. NFL is no different, especially with QBs.

I would seriously say the NFL desires certain markets at times. They wanted the Saints to be relevant after Katrina. They want LA to be relevant, so they have been pretty favorable with the Rams especially. They probably want Houston to be relevant after Harvey. A NY/I-95 team has to be relevant. I don’t know that they script things for them automatically, but they probably allow some things to happen in their favor. So much smoke and questions surrounded the Patriots for all their cheating instances, but they never really clamped down the way they should. Brady got to skate a long time while being investigated...

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I don't know. I mean if you're challenging non calls as well...there's a degree of holding in almost every play...where does it stop?  NO got robbed badly, but I'm not sure how to realistically fix it because that's a rabbit hole that can lead to a lot of dark places where every single play can be examined for perfection. What and where is the line and how do you not just totally screw up everything before it becomes legalistic 

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