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Now that you have railroaded me out of the league...

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I just have one thing to say.   To paraphrase the great Arnold Scwartznegger      I'LL BE BACK.

Going to the Tampa Bay bucks now,    Look out for us.   Al east there there is no Julian Edelman in our league.

Just one thing to say to my legions of loyal defensive Chiefs football fans....



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It was supposed to be a pic of me in a Bob Sutton outfit.   With the stocking cap on I look a lot like the guy.   Didn't realize it but the pic didn't post.    Supposed to be funny but it made no sense.   I heard on sportstalk that Sutton talking to Tampa Bay.  Anyway, not losing my marbles yet.   Sorry

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1 minute ago, wilkie said:

It was supposed to be a pic of me in a Bob Sutton outfit.   With the stocking cap on I look a lot like the guy.   Didn't realize it but the pic didn't post.    Supposed to be funny but it made no sense.   I heard on sportstalk that Sutton talking to Tampa Bay.  Anyway, not losing my marbles yet.   Sorry

That’s Bob Sutton in a nutshell.  You nailed it.

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