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Question: Will you watch the superbowl next week?

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Not sure.   Since the Pats have been in so many times,  the bloom is kind of off the rose for me.    Don't really care who wins and since we don't get 3D halftimes or get to see Janet Jackson's breast,   not at all sure I give a damn.    Football is over until next August.   Superbowl  ain't the attraction for me it used to be.

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6 hours ago, moons314 said:

I haven't watched but a few minutes of probably the last 8 Super Bowls.  Between the commercials, the celebrities and the two teams playing in it, I just can't get up for it.  I'll probably watch the golf channel instead. 

Wow lol, there is some excitement there in the golf channel! I might not watch either, not interest at all for either team lately the commercials have not been worth a shit save for a few.

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Neither team should be there. Rams got the non call....by the way the guy was fines 26k for the hit. Brady:If you throw a pick on the last drive of the game you should not be going....offside penalty put Brady there.   If you win a coin flip you should not be there.

NFL has become a joke with instant replay, endless play reviews etc. The last drive is easy with 4 plays available and rules favoring the offense. NOt watching.

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10 hours ago, xen said:

I'm rooting for a spontaneous stadium implosion.  Not sure of the odds on that but  bonus, no more maroon 5 either.

I always wondered if the Maroon 5 singer has something in hia pants squeezing his sack to hit those notes. Be thrilled to never hear him again 

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I’m sure I’ll end up watching some of it. But I’m not interested in any Super Bowl party or anywhere else I’d have to be a captive audience.  I’m not really bitter or anything either as i feel like we had a great season. I just don’t like either team. 

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10 hours ago, xen said:

I'm rooting for a spontaneous stadium implosion.  Not sure of the odds on that but  bonus, no more maroon 5 either.

I’m rooting for a large planetary object to obliterate the stadium. 

Since that won’t happen, we have decided to go see something at the multiplex movie theater and to eat some overpriced popcorn and questionable pork products instead. 

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11 hours ago, kkuenn said:

Wow lol, there is some excitement there in the golf channel! I might not watch either, not interest at all for either team lately the commercials have not been worth a shit save for a few.

Eh, at least I can learn something on the golf channel and try to get my shitty golf game out of the 90s.  Its not that I'm bitter, it's just, well there couldn't be a less interesting matchup than Pats/Rams.  I'm sure the league is happy with the matchup because of course they wanted the Rams because of LA, and Brady is the poster boy, but there's a large of area between Boston and LA that really doesn't give a shit.  I think there's also a fatigue factor for fans after the Pats have been in so many of them, the game just becomes less compelling.  I also feel like there's a lot wrong with the rules of the game that's kinda killing it for me at least, but that's an entirely different can of worms. 

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